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Rye's POV

How stupid do you have to be to think you could possibly get away with betraying the Black Talons? Really fucking stupid.

The car finally pulled to a stop outside a mountain dusted with snow. Only a trained eye would be able to spot the entrance to the warehouse. Thomas, a man who's loyally worked under me for several years, held open my door as I exited my least favorite car. I could see my breath and I inhaled sharply, allowing fresh air to penetrate my abused lungs.
Dead pine needles and snow crunched under my Italian made shoes as I walked over to the hidden key board.

Placing my hand on the side of the hollow mountain that use to be used for mining, I felt around for the scanner. A clicking sound finally came so soft only I could hear it. Compressed air leaked out of the warehouse with a high shrill, then the door slowly opened revealing a large room with only one exit and a few highly trusted people standing on guard inside. At the sight of my face, they immediately relaxed their tense stance and Ben stepped forward to fill me in.

I sigh and slide my sunglasses off to let my eyes adjust to the fairly dark room as Ben stutters in my presence.

" W-we c-caught him outside a s-shipping dock t-trying to escape. H-he refuses to talk," he finally choked out.
I raise an eyebrow at Gabe because Ben did this everytime, you'd think he'd get over it by now. "Alright who brought the newbie?" Gabe chuckled. The room filled with nervous laughter because Ben had been with the Black Talons for four years. Gabe pats him on the back sympathetically.

It wasn't Benny's fault, Rye scared everybody shitless. Ben shrugs it off, not finding it the least bit funny and continues to fill me in. "He had hhh-highly well made p-passports and b-birth certificates. O-our suspicion was correct, he'sss b-been ssselling information a-about Jason to other parties..."

My jaw hardened. Without responding, I pulled out my gun and checked the magazine, making sure it was ready for fire. I put my prized possession back in its holster and walked toward the culprit who was already whimpering from previous torture.

Getting down on one knee I became face level with Sebastian. With my index finger, I lifted his head so he'd look at me, a privilege few had. With one statement I had Sebastian's blood running cold.

"I know you have kids."

The whimpering sound seceded immediately. "H-how do you know that?" Desperation stained his voice and I knew I had him.

I couldn't help but chuckle, "the real question is what do you know? Who where you selling information too?"

He looked away so I dropped my hand and stood up. "If you cooperate I'll leave your two kids and wife alone. I'll even make sure they have a good life either with or without you in it."

Sebastian groaned in response and his head swayed back an forth.

I leaned forward, my lips brushing his dirty ear, "but if you dont, I won't hesitate for a second to kill your kids and force your wife to watch. I'd enjoy it even. It's up to you."

I stepped back from the sorry excuse of a man and sighed again, my patience growing thin. "Make your choice in the next minute or I'll make it for you starting with your youngest daughter."

Gabe walks over to me and hands me the laptop. I flip it open and a live feed of his youngest daughter, Maria, playing at the park with her mother appears on the screen. "PLEASE! Dear god don't touch them! She's only three!" His voice was quivering and I knew he was going to break soon. I hit a button on the laptop and feed of his other child, Tiffany, talking with friends outside a high school appears on screen.
"You care about them even more then your own life... Don't you? That's why you tried to hide your family from me right? I can't picture you forcing my hand to take their lives and at such a young age to... " I looked down on him with disgust and shame.

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