Chapter Two

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One day earlier...

I was awful at my job. So far I had accidently spilled wine into a woman's lap and broke several dishes. On the bright side, I wasn't fired...yet. It helps when your boss likes touching your ass every chance they get. I slumped down into one of the booths and buried my face into my hands. "Ugh..." I groaned. Today had been unbelievably rough. "Oh come on, cheer up! You're not going to get fired, Scarlet likes your ass to much." James said, sitting down across from me.

I looked up and glared at him, I was not in the mood. "It wasn't that bad..." he smiled. I could tell he was barely containing his laughter. "I spilled red wine on a woman who was wearing her wedding dress!" He erupted like a volcano. "I know, I was watching when it happened. When you tried to go get napkins, you slipped in it and pulled the table cloth off, spilling everyone's food! I've worked here for two years and never seen anything like that!"

My head dropped onto my arm and I wanted to just curl up and disappear. "At least you weren't sued."

I sighed, "if you just wanted to make fun of me, you can go. I already feel bad." His face lit up, "oh yeah, I almost forgot! I got invited to an up scale club in Orchard. Want to go? Drinks are on me." I Just had my eighteenth birthday not to long ago, so I was to young to legally drink alcohol, but James didn't know that... Memories of Alex and I sneaking bottles of alcohol out of my dads cupboard and drinking them in my bedroom crossed my mind. My stomached twisted at the thought of Alex. A drink doesn't sound half bad...

"Ok, but isn't orchard where all the rich people live? How'd you get yourself invited?"
James smirked, "got myself an older woman. forty something beautiful woman. she has friends I could-"
I crinkled my nose, "No thanks but I don't have anything fancy to wear..."

James shrugged, "what your wearing should be fine." I looked down at my faded shirt, black leather jacket, dark denim pants, and my worn in shoes. "You sure?" I asked doubtfully looking at his suit. "yeah." I contemplated it for a moment, "Well...alright."


The woman waiting for us to arrive outside was wearing a backless red dress and black strappy heels that made her taller then me. She looked at me disapprovingly but then her gaze shifted to James, "Glad you could make it darling!" she kissed him on both cheeks then took his elbow, whisking him inside. I looked up at the sign that read Luxury and sighed. This was going to be fun?

The front room was small with a man sitting behind a dark wood desk. He immediately stood up and walked over to the elevators pressing the glowing button, "VIP room again today Ms. Smith?" She gave a curt nod and with a small Bing sound, the doors opened. The man looked at me like I was a germ underneath his microscope, but he didn't protest when I joined James and Ms. Smith. James pressed the button for level nine and the doors closed slowly.


James had lied. Why am I surprised? Everybody was wearing their finest evening wear made of silks and rich threads. I felt instantly out of place.

Why me?

I looked for a place to sit and retreated to the very end of the bar where there was less light. James ditched me for Ms. Prissy and her snotty rich posy. They all sat around one of the circular couches that seemed to litter this place and all had taken an interest in James.

Who wouldn't? He was really cute. I examined the situation skeptically and tisked. There was going to be an orgy later tonight.

I didn't make eye contact with anybody as I sat down even though I could feel people staring. "What can I get for you?" the bartender said, polishing a crystal glass. This all seemed almost cliché. "I'll have a Rum & Coke." He nodded and began to make my friends favorite drink. I was just glad he didn't ask for my ID. In a high class place such as this, they probably didn't worry about silly things such as age.

The sound of collective gasps and little noises of surprises drew my attention. A tall looking man with three body guards exited the elevator. I couldn't see the man's face because of the big build of the body guards, but what caught my attention was the menacing looking guns strapped onto the body guards belts.

Sweeping across the room, the man sat down in a plush chair at the end of it, near the glass wall that over looked the city. I rolled my eyes and watched the bartender finish making my drink. Placing it in front of me, I just looked at it.

Alex held this exact drink in his hand so many times before, always complaining about the economy like he knew what he was talking about. Now that i think about it he probably did, smartest in the class. My heart began to ache...

Exhaling, I sipped my drink. That life was over the moment I decided to leave home. The sooner I realized that, the better.

This was getting annoying. I turned in my seat to see about six beautiful women surrounding the man that entered earlier, all asking him questions and hinting at invites to bedrooms. I couldn't see his face at this distance but he must be some kind of celebrity to attract this much attention.

"Well, I'm getting lucky tonight," James came over to inform me. I was slightly drunk and looked at him angrily. "Y-you lied to be about dress code." I slurred a bit. He looked at me apologetically. "Sorry, its usually more relaxed. I forgot that guy was making an appearance tonight." James said, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder. I looked back over to the corner of the room were the mysterious man was sitting, still surrounded by women... "Who is he?" I asked, curiosity eating at me.

"That's Rye Lynch." James looked at me and made a small sound of disgust mixed with displeasure. "He's dangerous, rumored for doing...dirty work. Everyone here wants to get in good graces with him for future business." James looks at him for another moment then gathers himself, clapping me on the back, "I'm off, here's cab fare money." He slipped a few bills into my jacket pocket and walked over to the impatient looking Ms. Smith and friends...

I looked back at my empty glass and tipped it so I could peer inside. The ice made a clink! sound and I put the glass down again.

A several hours had passed and everybody dropped like flies, leaving arm and arm with someone. I'd grown bored of the company this room held and turned down any pursuers including the bar tender who had a nice smile.

I was about to stand up to leave when a man sat next to me. "I've never seen you in my club before..." the man whispered, his voice low and husky. "I came with a friend and his...friend." I said a little hesitant, would I be kicked out since she left? His dark hair was styled back but several strands where coming lose as if he had ran his hand through it one to many times. His brown eyes held my gaze for another second before he looked away to order a drink. I felt heat rush to my face as I realized something. "W-wait! your club?" He looked back at me and smiled. "Yes, this is one of many places I own." He seemed tired and stressed, but still...alert.

I looked at him, the alcohol had stolen my modesty.

"If your trying to impress isn't working." He looked at me sharply and I was sure he was going to lash out, but he smiled and chuckled softly. "What's so funny?" I asked looking at him lazily, I could feel myself growing more restless. His drink arrived at that moment, and we didn't say anything for a few moments. Then finally, he looked at me, his gaze soft and observing as if he might rethink what he was going to ask me. "I was trying to impress you, but apparently my approach was weak. Would you please be so kind to accompany me tonight?" I leaned in and whispered, "To what?"

The softness in his eyes from earlier disappeared and he took a long swig of his drink, "to my bedroom."

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