Chapter Fourteen

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Ryes POV

Hours later...

Nothing made sense anymore. I had gone through the files again and again and still came up with nothing.

I sighed and leaned back in my chair, rubbing my temples.

Jason was asleep in my lap and although it was distracting it was also nice having him there.

His head lay against my chest and I couldn't help running my fingers through his black wavy hair.

A soft knock echoed throughout my office.

"Come in..."

Gabe entered and walked over to my desk. "I got those reports you wanted. there's a lot more to the story then we originally thought boss..."

He handed me the files and I briskly scanned it, planning to go through it more finely later.

"Is that so..."

"Yes boss. Jason is the son of Dr. Peterson, the man who was convinced he was on the brink of discovering the formula for eternal life. He came to us several months ago asking for funding," Gabe began to summarize.

"You turned him down but, The White Fang didn't. Travis called it Project E and used humans for test subjects. Everybody who participated died except one, some guy named James Randy."

Pieces started clicking into place and the whole picture was coming together.

"But James was dismissed as a failed experiment because the tests drove him mentally insane. According to Dr. Peterson, there was somebody he was privately testing on and the experiment was a success..."

I quirk an eyebrow at Gabe, infatuated by this.

"But Jason's father died in a house fire before he could monopolize it. Practically all his research was destroyed except one notebook that his assistant, Alex knight, has in possession..."


Hehe mini chapter! full of new information, I hope stuff is starting to make sense for you guys. Tell me what you think in the comments!

My question is how is Rye going to tell the sleeping Jason his father is dead? How is Jason going to take it?

Any guess on what's going to happen in the near future?


Love, Nina xoxo

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