Chapter Ten

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I sat up fast, wide eyed and on the verge of tears. "What do you mean know one can see him?"

Rye's POV

Voices could be heard outside Jason's room. The thought of him awake and well made my pulse quicken. Embarrassed, I silently cursed myself,

I was turning into a softie...

The passed three days were a nightmare. Ever since the night of Travis's death I've been cooped up in my office calling in favors.

Who's Alex?

That one question had been swimming around in my head for days. I thought back to that night.

James was closing in, his steps swaying back and forth. Bullets weren't working and I was running out of options. I looked around for any sign of defense. A bent tire iron was resting underneath the car.

James's pace quickened suddenly like a demon and I barely had enough time to wrap my fingers around the tire iron.

I dodged the first attack and swung at his head, bashing in the back of it. "Why won't you die!?" I growled through grit teeth. James spun, slashing my torso with his blades. I staggered, but only momentarily.

Full strength, I smashed his ribs with the iron, feeling them shatter. His body fell back, slapping onto the asphalt.

Shards of bones had punctured his lungs, James's breaths sounded like a garbage disposal chipping at a silver spoon. Blood splattered the streets and soaked my clothing.

Keeping the media under control was going to be a bitch.

I limped over to James and looked down into his eyes. He didn't say a word, just smiled. I raised my weapon, going to finish the job when a voice stopped me. "That won't be necessary!"

I didn't care who it was at this point. I was tired, bleeding and angry. A mix that could lead to several casualties.

I looked over to the voice and shouted. "LIKE HELL!"

James was starting to pick himself off the ground. I stepped on his chest, forcing him back to the ground and his head bounced off the cement.

I brought the tire iron down hard like a golf club, nocking his head clean off his shoulders.

I breathed a sigh of heavy relief when his body didn't move afterward.

The man that had addressed me earlier stepped out of the shadows. His attire was complete black, masking even his face, leaving no skin revealed.

"You killed my experiment..." the man said sadly.

I wasn't sorry, so I wasn't going to apologize.

"Keep it in the lab next time." I muttered and dropped the tire iron. Walking a few feet, I picked up the gun and slid it back into the holster.

I raised an eyebrow at myself and realized how stupid I was being. All the blood loss was making me irrational. I placed my hand back on the gun and looked at the man.

"You going to give me trouble?" I asked.

Beginning to feel light headed, I leaned against the car for support. If he decided to kill me I wouldn't be able to put up much of a fight.

The mans gaze shifted to James's headless corpse.

"No, but tell Jason that Alex has unfinished business with him."

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