Chapter Fifteen

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Jason's POV

Life without him would be completely meaningless.

I woke up slowly, my eyes gradually opening. Rye's face was contorted and he looked absolutely miserable.

"Everything ok?" I breathed as I kissed him on the neck.

He jerked a bit, then looked down at me as if I was a sleeping child, his dark eyes full of love and care.
"No... everything is not ok." his words where soft and barely above a whisper. His fingers touched my brow bone, sweeping the hair away from my eyes.

I drew my eyebrows together in confusion, I had never seen him act this way before and my heart quickened.

"Jason... Your father is dead."

Ryes POV

I watched as his eyes widen, conflicting emotions glossed over them, changing the color from a light green to a dark murky blue.

"What?" He pulled himself away from me and stood up, his eyes watering as he let my statement sink in...

Frantically he looked up at me, his face plastered in a permanent scowl. " I'm glad he's dead..." his voice was rough and full of hatred.

Jason turned from me and I grabbed his arms. "Do you know what he did to me?" he asked as he faced me, his eyes not daring to stray from mine as he spoke words of horror.

Water glistened in his now vulnerable green eyes, tears streaming down his pale cheeks.

"I should be dead."

Those words made my heart stop beating for a second.

"Don't for even one fucking second think that!"

I barricaded him with my arms, enthralling him completely. He would forever be safe as long as he was with me. Jason's tears soaked my shirt as his body was raked with muffled sobs.

I need to get him out of here. If any territory catches wind of this, gang or mafia alike, hell even the government, god...everything would brake lose.


A Hard fist smacked against Officer Johns wooden office door.

"C-come in!" he murmured quite startled from his nap. He straightened the files on his desk and took a long swig from his cold neglected coffee, trying to put himself back together.

A man in a blood splattered starch white suite and a light lavender tie strutted into his small Sheriffs office.

"Did I wake you?"

At the sight of the crazed looking man, John's hand immediately gripped his gun that was strapped to his waist.

"No, of course not."

The man nodded simply then took a seat in front of his desk.

"Can I help you, umm...?"

"The name's Travis and yes, I think you can."

Jasons POV

"I still don't understand why we have to leave... What do we have to worry about?"

His rather large hands gripped my chin, Rye's face was stern and completely serious.

"I will protect you even if I have to lock you up in some underground base in the middle of god only knows where..."

He avoided my question...

His grip only got tighter as we stepped outside the hospital surrounded by his men. Rye's men where all slightly taller then me with guns already drawn. The same identical tattoo that marked Rye's hip also stood prominently on their necks, letting bystanders know that they where in fact part of the Black Talon mafia.

Once inside the vehicle, Rye finally exhaled a small breath of relief. We sat next to each other with two men sitting across us looking out the widows. Their composure was tense as if they anticipated something drastic to take place.

I leaned casually into Rye's shoulder as my hand slid under his jacket and tugged at his tucked in shirt.

He looked over at me, curiosity laced in his dark possessive eyes. A small smile of menace plays at my lips and I lean down, kissing his beautiful bird tattoo.

Dear Readers,

This use to be the last chapter but now it's not. :)

<3 <3 <3 LOVE, Nina xoxo

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