Chapter Twenty-Three

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Jaylee's P.O.V.

The day turned into night, and I was in my room, tossing and turning in my bed.

I couldn't sleep. How could I sleep at a time like this when there were so many things going on around me? There wasn't any way I could.

Growling to myself, I slapped my palms down on the covers beside me, before sitting up and throwing them off of me.

I pushed my legs over the side of my bed, and wiggled my toes as they hit the cold stone floor. Sighing, I walked over to my mirror and gazed at myself in the light blue glow of my own skin.

My hair was a crazy mess, and looked like I hadn't brushed it in a while, which was basically true. I had tried to tale a brush to it after my shower earlier, but there was just no way I was getting any of the tangles out of it.

Frowning at my reflection, I turned and went to walk out of my room, but before I even got halfway, the door opened.

I immediately crouched and brought my hands of, the glow of my skin intensifying, causing the person now standing in my doorway to get even darker.

"Who are you?" I snapped.

The deep chuckle made me relax, and the voice that followed made me feel silly, "What are you going to do, little one? Take me down in your nightgown?"

"Zale," I stood straight, and walked over to him, before throwing my arms around him, "you could have at least knocked."

"I figured you would be asleep. And I've been told it's creepy to walk in on sleeping girls, but I didn't want to wake you up."

Setting the bottom of my chin on his chest, I looked up at him, "Who told you that?"

He shrugged, and set his hands at the base of my back, "It might have been an annoying new couple, who seem to want the best for you and not me."

I giggled and stepped back from him, "I couldn't sleep."

He shrugged, and stepped around me and towards my bed. "I can see why you couldn't. I don't know if I would be able to if I tried."

He sat on the edge, and held his hands out to me. I took them, and he dragged me in between his knees, and looped his arms around my back. "I'm not sure what to think about what is going to happen. Or when it's going to happen. Or what if he comes here? What will we do? Are we ready for that?" I took a breath from my rant, and started again, "What if no bodies ready at all? What if I can't help? What i-"

"Jaylee, you crazy little thing," Zale cut me off, and rub one of his hands along my back, soothing me. "My men have been trained since they were old enough to walk. They are more than ready. Yours might be a tad behind," he laughed at that, "but they are ready to serve you. I also have no doubt you will do everything you can to help your people." His eyes looked brighter than normal, with the glow from my skin glinting off of them. I couldn't help but fall into them.

"But what ab-" I began, to be cut off again.

"Listen," he moved his hands from my back and grabbed ahold of mine, "nothing is going to go as planned. Ever. Things are unpredictable, but we can't sit and worry about every little thing. If he comes to us, we will be ready. If we go to him, he will be ready. There will be a fight, Jaylee. He had a purpose for doing all that he's done, and he wont stop until he does what he set out to do the moment he killed my parents. Baby girl, you can't see the future, and if you could, it could change. All the time, things change. You have to stay in the here and the now. Okay?" his voice was warm, like his hands clutching mine.

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