Chapter Twenty-Six. The End.

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That first month was the hardest. It took us not even a week to realize my pregnancy was not going to be like a normal human one. I had no Tethran's I could ask, and didn't know anyone that knew about a Tethran pregnancy.

It was pure hell. My body hurt 24/7, all day long and into the night. Fevers plagued me, and more than once I wished I could just speed up the process.

Sometimes at night, when I was drenched in sweat and couldn't sleep, I would go to the empty place in my mind, and sit and wait. I would wait for anything. Maybe a flicker of heat.

Of the love I had felt there from the beginning. The love from Zale.

I would sob, plead the emptiness.

And then, one night, while I sobbed I felt a flicker. In my mind's eye, I saw the light slowly form.

I cried, and knew it could only be my growing baby, because I saw Zale's light go out in front of me. I felt his body slacken.

Felt the stillness.

I cupped my ever growing baby bump, and wondered for the umpteenth time, Will I be able to do this alone?

The question plagued me day and night. It creeped around the corners. Just when I thought I was on the road to smiling for more than a few seconds, that question would creep into the back of my mind.

Sighing, I stared at the small blanket I was making. Around me, women were busy gushing about how they were excited about getting a new baby. They couldn't wait to pamper my little baby.

They wanted to know, What is the gender?

I was in my fifth month now. Five months and five days without my mate. Five months and five days with his baby growing inside of me, our baby. My baby.

The blanket was black, with sparkly purple threading. I didn't know why I chose black. It was the kind of black that looked blue in certain light.

No, I know why I chose it. It reminded me of Zale's hair. And the purple... it reminded me of the beautiful Tethran sky at sunset.

Fury slammed into me, and the basket of thread sitting on my lap went flying through the room, smashing against the wall.

The room around me grew quiet, and I knew as soon as I stormed out, the women would begin talking about me. That poor girl. That small thing, having to deal with this all by herself.

It always happened. And I could always hear it.

I could hear everything. From the little pin that dropped three rooms over, to the sizzle of meat in the kitchen.

Sure, after my crazy transformation, everything intensified, but now, with my baby growing inside of me... everything was tenfold.

It was nauseating.

Growling, I stomped out of the room, and to the only place I could find peace and quiet.

It wasn't fair, it really wasn't. He told me all would be okay.

Storming through the hallways, those that saw me knew to avoid me.

Nobody wanted to get in my way, it just wasn't a good idea.

Even I knew that.

Turned a corner, I ran into a wall.

Or a person.

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