Chapter Four

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“Get up.” His voice was deep, and bounced around the quiet room, marking the walls with an undertone that I couldn’t decipher. 

Alanshia scrambled up, looking uncomfortable under her brother-in-law’s gaze. “I’m sorry we caused such a ruckus, Zale. I speak for both my son and I when I say we were excited when we saw Jaylee.”

He made a rumbling noise, and growled out, “Excited or not, this house has other inhabitants and some are attempting to sleep.”

I stood up, brushing myself off for the second time and scoffed out, “Attempting to sleep? In the middle of the day? What are you, old?”

I slapped my hand over my mouth as fast as possible, horrified at my slip of tongue as his reflective eyes once again slid to me, gazing at me with a look cold enough to freeze the blood in my veins. “Jaylee Ameelia Zachtarian,” I flinched, not at the ice in his voice, but at the use of my full name, I mean come on! “this is my house, and you are a guest here. I would think you would be a little bit more polite. It is not my fault if for some reason you do not get to make a nightly call to your home.”

His words ticked something in me, and my face flushed with anger, “I am here to help your people. For one, that means you cannot make threats to me, and for two, if you are going to make threats make sure they are not stupid ones. The place I was forced to live was not my home and never will be. I do not give two shits if I get to call home to my father or not, because he does not and has never cared for me unless it was to make gains in his own personal affairs. Now, it would be stupid to not allow me to call home, for your sake, because in our agreement, my father stated I had to call home in order for him to know I was not dead. You decide though.” I finished with the finger of one hand in the air, pointing at him, and the other hand on a cocked hip.

I was just full of surprises today.

He growled at me, and instead of answering me, spun on his heel and walked away from our small group of people, leaving Alanshia’s husband behind.

Alanshia and I made eye contact, and the second the evil man rounded the corner, she burst out laughing. She hugged me hard and said, “I am so happy you are finally here.”

Jack wiggled between us, grabbed my hand and shouted, “Me too! I am going to introduce her to Alec!”

Around us the room froze again, and Alanshia’s husband grabbed Jack by the arm and pulled him away from me. He started growling at him in a low voice, so I couldn’t hear what he was saying, and Alanshia grabbed my arm.

“Let me show you where you are staying?”

I frowned, not getting to answer as she dragged me out of the room and down multiple hallways. “My stuff, it-“

“We had someone get it for you,” she shot a smile over her shoulder and I nodded.

We walked through at least eight different hallways, and a couple open rooms, before we reached a long hallway with huge doors all on one side, because the other side was all floor to ceiling windows. The view was breathtaking, and I realized that even though we never once went up any stairs, we were high off the ground.

I asked Alanshia about it, and she smiled, “Some of the hallways double as stairs. We find it easier that way.” She stopped before a doorway, and her smile grew wider, if that was possible, and pushed the doors wide open, “This is your room!” 

I was shocked. My room was beautiful, and huge. While back on Artoul, I did have a nice sized room, it was my prison. This room was beautifully decorated, and the far wall looked to not even exist. It was just one huge window overlooking what I assumed to be a courtyard, or garden of some sorts.

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