Chapter Twenty-Five

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Jaylee's P.O.V.

I took Zadra with me, even though she didn't want to go. I basically forced her.

The journey to the big X on the map my father gave me wasn't that long of one, and it didn't hurt that you could see the group that was assembled from miles away.

It literally looked like one big black blob on the horizon, and as we got closer we could make out the different groups that were included.

"Guess that is our destination?" Zadra looked down at me, and I nodded.

"I'm thinking we should be careful on our approach." I frowned, looking down at myself. I had had the smart idea of putting on some of Alanshia's armor. Which, if I were being honest, looked pretty bad ass on me.

Especially with my markings shining through the material like it was laced into it.

I sighed, "Let's go."

Zadra and I began down the hill at a slow pace, but I could tell the group we were advancing towards had spotted us. Five men and one woman had gathered in front of the large group, and stood waiting for us.

"Who are you?" The woman's cold voice asked, her blue skin sparkling under the late day's sun.

I came to a stop before them, and held out my hand, "My name is Jaylee. Clark is my father."

The woman's face split into a grin, showing sharp teeth. "I know who you are," she said, before bypassing my outstretched hand and pulling me into a hug. "I was a really good friend of your mother's."

Pulling back, I blinked at the woman in front of me, "You were?"

She nodded, "Before they had you, your mother used to come with your father on visits. We became fast friends. My name is Liana."

"Liana," I repeated, before looking at the men.

They all smiled at me, before introducing themselves.

"Your father told us about your marks," the shortest of the men, whose name was Jimarl, remarked as we began the journey to Alec's hold.

I nodded, "It supposedly has something to do with my parent's and how they're different races, and mates and all of that," I waved my hand in the air.

He nodded, "You are the first of your kind. I remember once when you were an itty bitty baby, and your parents brought you on your first intergalactic trip... my planet was the first one they brought you to-"

"No, mine was!" Liana cut him off furiously.

Jimarl sighed, "Must everything be a competition with you?"

Liana huffed, "It's not a competition when I am right. And a winner."

"You're a blue monster," Jimarl stated sassily. "Anyways, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted; they brought you when you were just an itty bitty thing. You were probably the smartest baby I had ever met."

I laughed, and Zadra mimicked me, "Me?"

"Yes you! Why, I am pretty sure you were walking by the time most babies are crawling." His eyes twinkled, and I could tell he was reminiscing to himself.

Liana mumbled something under her breath, and I held in my laughter when Jimarl turned and wacked her on the arm. "Say that to my face you blue hag."

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