Chapter Two

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I was shoved into a vehicle on my own, it was a smaller one, to not draw attention to me as I get out, but it was nice.

Artoul’s vehicles reminded me of the little smart cars from back on Earth, though these had no wheels, and usually needed no driver. They hovered, and the built in navigation system was usually insanely accurate. While attending a ball, however, it showed wealth and power to have a driver open your door for you and escort you up the stairs or to the door.

Don’t ask me why, it was just a weird custom that I never really understood.

The drive was quiet, and I had time to think about my task for the night. 

Tethra’s rulers were well known, but they kept to themselves. In all, there were four, and they were all brothers. Their planet was peaceful when they went un-provoked, but one poke of a stick, they were ready for war. Their men were always training for it, and they never took a day off, Tethra was a planet that you wanted as an ally. You wanted them behind your back in a fight, because more often than naught, you won. I had always found their language fascinating and beautiful, because it just flowed like water off of your tongue. My teacher was a very prominent Tethran, and you could tell with the way she carried herself. 

My thoughts were snapped back as the vehicle came to a sudden, lurching, halt. Frowning, I looked out the window at the mansion, and all the figures walking into the building.

It was beautiful, with wide steps leading up to obsidian black double doors that had to be at least ten feet tall. I knew this place well, and had often had to make quick get-a-ways through the halls from curious Artoulians. 

My door was suddenly yanked open by a very annoyed looking boy, I’m assuming he was the one who had to be my driver. “Ma’am,” he snarled, sticking out his hand.

I looked him in the eye as I took it, making sure he was looking back, “With an attitude like that, I may just not pay you.”

He glared at me, “You are not worthy enough to even live in the castle, let alone be a princess.”

I barked a laugh, and threw down his hand, stepping out on my own. I knew people were watching but at this point I did not care. I grabbed his chin and yanked him down to my level, “I may be a half-breed, but you are just a lowly driver. You have no right to talk to me like that,” I seethed, covering my hurt with my anger.

The boy’s blue eyes widened as he realized his position. He pulled away from me, and grabbed my arm, pulling me behind him as he walked me up the stairs. When we got to the doors, he violently threw my arm down and exclaimed, “I don’t even care if I die for acting the way I do, you are a disgrace to our planet. You will never be accepted!” and with that, he spit at my feet and walked off.

Ignoring the stares of the very many different species attending the occasion, I kept my head held high and walked through the doors and towards the ball room, which was filled to the brim with bodies.

Little did I know I had a follower.


It had been hours now, hours of fake smiling, hours of dancing with many different men, and hours of attempting to even see a Tethran.

They weren’t here.

They weren’t even fucking here!

I was sitting at an empty table now, growling to myself. I was in my own world, until I felt a pull on my skirt.

Surprised, I lifted up the cloth that covered the table, and there, hidden in the dark was a Tethran boy.  Gasping, I asked in the universal language, “What are you doing down there?”

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