Chapter Five

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Needless to say, dinner was awkward. We all sat at a huge table, and were served by half naked women. I could tell this was a normal thing, because nobody said anything, or looked as uncomfortable as I probably did. 

Alanshia and her husband sat next to each other, but Jack was somewhere off with his friends, having apparently ate earlier in the day. They were adorable together, and I couldn't help but smile when he would feed her small bits from his plate.

I tried my best to ignore Zale's presence at the head of the table, but found my eyes trailing to his figure often. I couldn't help it, his quiet, dangerous demeanor just demanded my attention.

"So Jaylee, tell us a few things about yourself," a man who I had learned to be Stehan, the lead general, spoke to me after a while.

I frowned, thinking of something to tell him, "Well, I was born on Earth."

His lips turned down, "Earth? I thought that was a conquered planet, and didn't house any life anymore?"

My heart stopped, "What?"

Stehan looked around for someone to help him, but sighed deeply, "They cleared that planet three years ago and moved all the inhabitants to different ones. Most were sent to work, some used for reproduction on planets like Lankia. They deemed it too radioactive for life."

The food I had been shoving into my mouth began to work its way up my throat, and I stood quickly, "If you will excuse me,"came out in a squeak. I pushed my chair away, and walked as quickly as I could out of the room. 

When I was a little down the hallway, a sob escaped my throat and I frantically began running in the direction of my room. When I reached that hallway, I didn't even stop to admire the beautiful view the windows gave to me, I just beelined it for my room.

Once in my room, the door was slammed shut, and I slid down it to the floor, my head in my hands as the sobs began to take over.

Earth empty? Where is my mom? What happened to her? What about my grandparents? What about my home? 

I tipped my body over so I was laying on my side and curled into the fetal position. My sobs echoed around the room and I couldn't help but think of all the worst case scenarios that could have happened to my family. 

I don't know how long I stayed like that, but eventually I sat up and walked over to what Alanshia had told me I could use to contact my father nightly, which was a small, clear hand held device. I picked it up and looked it over, before jumping when it lit up and my name ran across the length of it.

I muttered under my breath and tapped the screen, colors rippling from where my fingers hit before I said, "E.T. call home?" I giggled to myself, thinking that that was silly.

Until the whole thing burst with color and a shrill noise was coming from it, before suddenly my father's voice shouted, "Who is this?"

"Why didn't you tell me about Earth?" I dove head first, clutching the communication device.

The line was quiet before I heard him sigh, "I didn't want to worry you. I didn't think you would find out."

Anger clouded my vision, "What the hell do you mean you didn't think I would find out? Where is my family?" There was no reply, and my anger split into fear.

I stood there for maybe a minute before I heard him clear his throat, "Your mother's parents passed away a few years after I took you. Your mother is here on Artoul."

"She is there? Why didn't you ever tell me?" I screamed it into the phone, wondering how he could do that to me.

"I needed you focused on learning," was his only reply, and it took all of me not to just say screw you.

Reality(1 in series) ~Completed~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat