Chapter three

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Sorry late update, i have enforced the rule to update every Saturday, or it may be Friday or Sunday for you, hope you like this, please vote i seriously stay up at night just to write a story so please do it will mean the world. Recap for the last time: Katrina is Sky's mom. I out this song because you just have to listen to it, it is so good and I am I love with it.

Waking up for the second time, I get ready for school, after last night, it wasn't like we could go back to our old days before dad has died, but its like we got through an understanding, though I'm pretty sure her motto is 'breaking the broken' or so.

I head down extra early, which is surprising considering that, I'm well supposedly me. Katrina's eyebrows shoot up seeing me awake.

It still hurt to look at her after thinking for once, she may have cared for me, sadly the truth always ends up biting you hard. We both enter the car silently, as if both of us are feeling the same, like we don't want to be spoken to in this time, she parks the car and gets out as we separate our ways.

I look around for Anne who is basically my only real friend, though ended up bumping into someone, and being the introvert i am, i shyly back away, not used to talking to people, but muttering a small 'sorry' before slipping away.

"No problem." A deep chuckle comes from behind me, i flip around only to meet this gorgeous guy whose name in unheard of holding a canon.

I smile one more time before stupidly blurting a question at him.

"Whats your name?"

He chuckles one more time, making my heart go to a frenzy, which shouldn't happen, why am i suddenly attracted to guys, this is not fair.

"Jacob." He replies.

"What about you?"

I look at him, surprised, but then recover, it isn't that i'm arrogant, but i am known no matter how much i don't want to be, and as i stare at him i realize he must be new.

"I'm Skylar, you can call me Sky." Great now i sound like a perky flamingo.

"Well i want to go to class, but i'm new, so would you mind showing me around?" He asks nervously.

"Figured out your new, let me show you the way." After realizing his schedule is similar to mine, I agree to assist him in getting to know the school and its surroundings.


The day seemed tiring, i didn't get to talk to Anne and neither my boyfriend, who seems to avoid me.

When i try to confront Anthony about it, he would avoid eye contact and mutter an excuse so he could leave, making me stay with my thoughts.

I think back to the day as i try to figure out what is happening in my life, everything seems so cut off.

I feel angry at the world, how come it is me, though I would never want this fate on anybody else, i miss my father, i miss my old mother, one who used to care for me, one who would look at me and feel happy, i feel broken, detached, and alone. Nothing seems to be right, i stare at my reflection taking a deep breath, i am an exact mixture of both my parents. It seems like everyone thinks i am perfect, even Anne does a bit, other than the abusing thing, but really i am anything but that, people say I put this good girl up as an act, which is true, but never had I thought that they would call insincere names and such, which genuinely hurts me, because even if it is just an act, my personality is familiar to me, hence my real badass aura.

My phone buzzes near by as I pick it up and read.

Hello -Adam


So i was wondering when will we hang out ;) - Adam sends going as far as sending me a wink.

I chuckle before replying.

Soon enough - I reply mysteriously.


Why is it that some people are broken, why do they shut themselves from the world, that you may ask, but really its only trying to protect themselves from what is out there, protecting themselves from people like her.

I was getting suspicious in why she hadn't disturbed me since my arrival at home. I hear shuffling from down stairs as I go to inspect it, i see my mom, or in other words, Katrina, drunk out of her mind, cigarette in hand, and bottle of alcohol in other. I feel repulsed, but ashamed too, knowing i do smoke but only to the purpose of pissing off my mother which is never a good idea.

"Oh hello, daughter." Katrina says.

"Why hello, mother." I reply staring straight at her.

"Cow dare you try sing a sarcastic tone?" she says glaring angrily.

"Cause you didn't do the same, right?" I say.

She stares ahead suddenly grabbing my hand, taking the cigarette and burning it my screams were heard but she clamped a cloth in my mouth, tears slip and slip as I try to handle the pain.

A couple hours later, I sat on my bed, feeling rather rebellious even after the abusing, i know that ill face consequences either way, I leave the house quickly.

"Sup freaks." I say heading up to the people who I should most likely stay away from.

"Right back at you." Says a girl with bright green hair.

Smirking in triumph, i sit next to the group, which only are three people, the girl, and two other guys, though it isn't surprising, we all go way back.

"I'm bored, i mean there is no shit to do these days." I say to them as they nod in agreement. I look at them and find their acts weird, despite them actually being good at hiding it, they seem off, eyes glazed, and not in a drunk way, as if they are high though.

"Are you guys high?" i ask cautiously.

"Of course not." Amanda, the other and only girl here other than me says.

It shows she isn't, though I know something is off, deciding to leave it, i wave to them goodbye saying i am not feeling anything is going to happen, Amanda smiles gratefully, thankful for not asking what happened between the three of them.

I head straight to what is supposedly 'home' but is far from it, i sneak in and go up to my room, and thankfully for once, I get away with it.


Its a Friday and supposedly the last day of school, which I do not look forward to for a reason, A whole weekend with Katrina, yes the joy.

"Hey, haven't seen you in a while." I say wrapping my arm around Anne as she returns the hug.

"Same to you."

"Oh." I say suddenly remembering, "Do you know what is up with Anthony?" I ask her, she looks away for a second, then looks back at me, then away again.

"No I dont." she says obviously lying, I look at her, giving her a look letting her know that I know.

"You should talk to him, like now." She mutters dejectedly.

She doesn't get another word out as I see him walk by. I sprint to him, and catch him quickly making both of us almost fall, he looks at me in a confused reaction, until he notices the look I am giving him, and looks down sighing quietly.

"Spill." I say to him and that's all it takes.

Cliffhanger, vote and comment please i literally worked so damn hard, my back is hurting from how far my back was arched to type for so long, and this really is a long chapter, or so i hope, please share this and just ya this is it, Wait for my update next Saturday or so, this was like one thousand and two hundred words, I love you all.

Lara xx.

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