Chapter nine

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The dedication is still to flawed_silence even though I dedicated the last one, I dedicate this to her again, now please please go read her book Mere Existence it's so damn good, and she is so supportive and such a good friend so please go do that.

I lie a lot btw, I say my updates are on Saturday and here I am updating on Friday a day after I update on Thursday but I couldn't resist, so I hope you like this.

There won't be an author note in the end so this is only this and I know most of you don't read the author note but-


I entered wattys2015 yay, and I need all the support I can get, so vote and comment on all my chapters if you can it would mean the world.

I'm also going to leave a cliff hanger to tease you guys, and cause I'm like that.

Careful there is very violent scenes and if you don't like it don't read, next update will be Saturday or earlier and this will be very short, and I mean very, so I'm sorry for that, but I'm updating two time a week which is good, but I think I'll start doing it now, but anyways-

On with the story.


"This day." She continued. "Is your fathers birthday, now let's show you a lesson as a gift to him." She said grinning, as I wait for her to strike me, this dress will be in shreds by the end of it.

She started by grabbing my neat hair, smashing me against wall, completing it with a round house kick in the stomach. I choked on the blood in my mouth but I didn't dare let out a whimper, and the pain won't be lessening any time soon.

If it wasn't bad enough that I am already hurt, knowing dad isn't here anymore, not to be in his arms, and not being allowed to celebrate another year of him being here hurts enough, I just wish she would use a punching bag instead f me, I wish it wasn't her way to grief.

"He is gone-" She said, kicking my ribs "-because of goddam you." She said kicking me again, she pulled me up by my hair, landing a swift punch making my jaw crack, she pulled me slowly to the kitchen and forcefully sat me down on the chair, she took her candle stick out, taking my arm, and digging it in, I smelt my own flesh burning, smoke flying around me in the air, but she wasn't done, not even close.

She took the knife out next, slitting my dress so it reaches mid thigh, and started digging in, blood gushed out of them, I let out a scream in that, I couldn't resist, my breaths were shaky and I was waiting till I blacked out.

"It's all your fault, you little slut." She said punching my nose, I cried silent tears.

Punch after punch, I was waiting to black out, I couldn't handle the pain, even though I'm used to it, it burns everything hurts so much, I could barely move, I just wish he was here so damn much.

I wish he was here to protect me, to love me.

Everything's not okay, I feel so broken and pathetic, like I can't do anything, I just want to die.

Maybe this is it, maybe she can kill me for once and for all, all she did was serve me melancholy in fake silver platter, all of it isn't worth it.

Kick after kick, I felt even more useless, I couldn't do anything about it, did I really deserve all this, all the pain, why hair, someone when you knew they were broken, to break them even more, as if I wasn't breaking already.

"You killed him." She said again using all her ways to abuse me, she grabbed my neck and choked me, and that's when I was about to black out, I let out a scream, even if it could barely be heard because of her. I felt tears, so much pain, that's all I feel, too much, I hate all this, I hate her, I hate life, I just want to leave.

With a hard push against the wall and my head bumped to the wall hard, I fall to the ground feeling my bones cracking and crunching, letting out one last short scream, I hear a bunch of people break into the house, and that's the last thing I hear before blacking out.

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