Chapter fifteen

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Sorry it's been a long time since I updated, let's just say I had exams coming up and I was so stressed.
I know I am not the best writer but I do work hard to update and I do hope you guys won't be silent readers and vote because it means the world.
This is dedicated to all the people that actually read this.
If you don't remember what happened lately. Skylar got beat up badly, but people see it as suicide, her friends don't talk to her anymore, not even her brother (she just found out about him) and ya that's all I can provide, maybe you should just skim through the chapter before this and read this now, enjoy!
Weeks past as me and Adam got even closer than before, other than that the circumstances were the same.

My mother surprisingly, didn't beat me much, just three days a week, which caused relief to flood through my system.

What still annoyed me is that everyone was ignoring me, and I still had no idea why. It wasn't until Adam stopped talking to me that one day till I snapped.

"Oh, what the hell?" I exclaimed to Adam as I cornered him at school.

"What?" he snapped.

"What do you mean what? Don't tell me you will start to ignore me like everyone else did."

"Well that wasn't until I found out what you did," he replied.


"Well," he rolled his eyes, "you lied, you didn't suicide."

My eyes widened in shock, he continued talking before I tried to come up with something.

"I can't believe you got into a careless fight! And on top of that! It was because you were pregnant with that man's kid and you hurt him and yourself! You killed your own baby how could you!?"

"You believe all this?" I said surprised, how can he believe all this bullshit? How did my mother even come up with all this, I knew this was her, no point in even thinking about it.

"I-" he hesitated.

"You know what? Believe whatever you want, but just so you know, I'm a freaking virgin, so tell me what am I now? The next Virgin Mary," I said sarcastically, seeing red now.

"But that's what everyone's sayi-"

"That's what they are saying, but that doesn't mean it's the truth. I thought at least you wouldn't believe the rumors before asking me about it. Guess I was wrong?" I interrupted coldly.

I whipped around and began to walk, ignoring his tries to talk to me.

No wonder Katrina wasn't harsh about her blows, all along my mother was just planning to hurt me verbally because physically so more dangerous.

Wasn't that great news?

Sadness washes over me like a wave, I run blindly, hoping to get away to anywhere, anywhere but where Katrina is supposedly in.

Finding an abandoned warehouse, I took it as a chance and entered it, and the minute I did, I broke down.

I didn't understand anything, what I ever did to anyone. I never hurt anybody, never insulted anybody without a purpose, and was anything but a skank as in like what everybody called me.

Footsteps were sounded behind me as I felt Adam sit in front of me after that.

"What do you want?" I asked tiredly, first to break the ice.

"I'm sorry," he says sincerely.

"I don't care," I say ignoring his stare, I was way too tired to care.

"Then why are there tears on your face?"

"Don't worry, they aren't only because of you." He winced at my words.

"I am sorry though," he says holding my hands tightly.

He stares at me for a couple of seconds, and I give him the reply he was waiting for.

"It's fine."

"No it isn't," he shakes his head.

"Then what do you want me to say!" I replied, my voice getting higher.

"I, I just. Wait, just give me a second to let my feelings out."

"I'm surprised you have any," he ignores my reply.

"Look I was just angry that you have someone else, that you are just tagging me along, giving me false hopes."

"I don't even have anybody other than you now," I pointed out.

"I really am sorry, and I just couldn't get it out of my head."

"It's fine, I was just overreacting I guess, maybe next time I should-" but I didn't get to complete my sentence.

No because right after that, his lips were placed on mine.

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