Chapter twelve

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"You're awake."

Anna stood in front of me smiling in relief, she pulled me into a warm hug, as I feel her salty tears go down my shoulder, and immediately every memory comes back, anger flushes through me, every single part of me.

"I can't believe you did this to yourself." She said confusing me. "At first I thought it's your mom but then it was you, you trying to suicide." She said in a lower tone, hiccuping. I didn't bother correcting her knowing she will spill the beans and tell about my secret. What confuses me is that how they did not see the hand marks on my neck, must've been real good if 'mom' can hide the secret this well.

The amount of ways people risk just to get what they want is unbelievable.

Every piece of me was still aching, the flashbacks made me angrier, so calmly I asked where is my mother.

Anna's gaze hardened, but mentioned to me that she is outside, telling her to get her, my apparent mother came in.

"It wasn't even my fault that he died." Just with these words, I could see that she was in shock, her eyes wide and lips set in a tight frown, opening from time to time.

"Don't lie to yourself." She replied after a minute.

"Wish it was a lie, but sadly I wasn't any of the things u called me, you were them all, now you might still have me in your grasp, but really you killed him, and I will find a way to take you down." I knew fear struck her in that moment, I hope she felt the fear that struck me whenever I'm with her.

"You can't do that, I'm your mother." She hiccuped, her eyes watering, I felt sympathy, but I wasn't going to give her any? Like she never gave me any at all.

"You stopped being my mother a long time ago." I said, shooting the hurtful words, her lips quivered, as if she didn't mean all the shit she did, yet she does.

She left after that, I could hear my heart monitor beating fast and loud, until nurses came and calmed me down.

After being informed that I'll be out after I enter the mental hospital, ward, whatever they call it, too see if my mental stability is okay, and will only be there for a few days, maybe weeks.

It wasn't until a week later till all my cuts and bruises has healed enough for me tone able to move, though still able to be seen.

Entering there, I could see no one my age, all crazy and I questioned why I was being sent here. That was until I have seen the people in the teen section of the ward.

"Adam?" I had asked.


We stared at each other for a while, I could feel a weird shiver run down my spine under his gaze, deciding to break the awkward silence that has settled, I opened my mouth to talk next.

"What are you doing here?"

"Visiting someone." He answered vaguely.

"What about you?" He asked me.

"This is my home for the next few days." I answered coldly.

"What, why-? That was until he noticed my bruises and cuts, enough for him to think I'm suicidal, not abused.


Catching his stare again, I looked away.

"I'm not visiting anyone." He interrupted the silence.

I looked at him.

"I got into too many fights and I was basically mentally ill, so I have to be here." Adam said, opening up to me.

I just nodded in respond, I knew he was waiting for me to say the reason I was here, of course not saying the real explanation, I simply said one word.

"Suicide." I said, looking away, not to see his reaction.

Now to think of it, it was the better option all a long.

Adam's pov (yes I know right omg, this is first one)


I looked at her after that, at her state, my mind believed her, but heart said there is something otherwise, my heart lurched hearing it, but I knew it was something, it should be something else, she isn't the kind of person who would just suicide, she seems too perfect, but is everything what it seems, well not anymore.

I didn't bother telling her the whole truth at I was here, wasn't exactly because of a fight, just part of the truth, and with my father, he can bail me out, so he can be the only one to hurt me and lock me in.

Skylar's pov

It was silent after again, and I chose to explore the place I'll stay in the next days.

What would happen when I leave, back to school everyone would know my fake situation, I'll be known as suicidal,  rumors will be more than I can handle, and no matter what, it will be almost impossible to escape my mothers grasp.

I didn't know what to do, I never do,I wondered that maybe if, only if, my dad was still here, he would have told me what I should do and what I should've done.

It kills to know the last thing my dad has seen is me crying hysterically, and the man that had killed him making out with his wife.

What has the world done to us now, what has driven all those people to do such things?

I looked around, even though everyone looked crazy, and I know not as much as me at all.

There was something similar about all of us that puts me in peace.

No not the crazyness, or our life stories, or anything like that.

We all have reasons to be here, sure it may be different then each other, maybe someone just lost their mind after they lost someone they love, or maybe just turned this way after a while, but I could see it in their eyes.

We were all, no mistake there, broken.


I'm so sorry this is like the latest update ever, but at least this is like more than one thousand words, I have been so damn busy since I started school, and was awfully lazy.

Speaking which, I still didn't do my homework which may be due tomorrow.

Vote and comment, please tell me what you think of this, I love you all.

I'll try my best to update next Saturday, and hopefully will go back to my usual schedule and I don't procrastinate.


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