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The next couple of days passed with no new jobs, no word from Lamar Maxwell. I was actually disappointed. 

No I didn't like him... I didn't, I was just curious about him right?. 

Wrong, I was definitely interested.

I couldn't help wondering about what would've happened had I stayed at Walmart.

Maybe I just needed some penis. 7 years was a longggggg time.

Then there was a knock at the door. I glanced at Christian who had fallen asleep.

I bit my lip. Who would it be?

 Man if it was Lamar... I shrugged it off and went to answer the door. It probably was Christopher. 

I opened the door, thinking of the devil, there stood Lamar with everything I was planning on getting from Wal-Mart in his arms.

Somebody was pretty determined huh?

Now that was sexy. 

"Crap. C'mon." I grabbed most of the gifts, running to put them away. These were mostly Christian's Christmas gifts so I had to hurry.

"Hey?" Lamar said, stepping in the house confused. I smiled at him. "Just one moment, gotta hide this. Christian is here." I explained.

"Oh, I can help..."

We had just enough time to hide Christian's presents before he woke.

"Hey." I greeted him when I finally got done. "Hey." He replied smiling at me.We both were out of breath from rushing looking at each other. I wondered if... nope not gonna go there. Stop it, hormones, you just met the guy.

Woman quit playing, its been 7 years!

I blushed at the direction my mind was going in. "Welp, welcome to my home." I turned, motioning my arms to invite him to explore. Only when I turned back, he wasn't looking around, instead he was looking at me. 

More specifically, my ass. I still had on my booty shorts and I saw him looking. Lawd, save me.

"I'm here to apologize, again, for scaring you off, Renee. And I wanted to make it up to you..."

"Don't apologize for being straightforward. It's just that, I wasn't ready to face my issues."

"Just know I am here for you to talk whenever you need me."

"I'll keep that in mind. Thank you." Stop looking at his dick print.

He suddenly pulled me to him, flush against him. 

"I was also wondering if you wanted to date me, like exclusively." He looked down into my eyes as he said it, which I found so sexy. I was about to jump him!

I had already spent some time thinking over my situation. I decided hell, why not. Christian obviously wanted a daddy for Christmas and I needed to let the past go and move forward with my life.

"Let me be honest, I am open to the idea although I'm not sure I'm ready for all that entails completely." 

As long as if some bomb penis, I'm down tho.

"I understand that, in the meantime I'd like to just... Hang out."

"Hang out huh?" I raised my eyebrows. He nodded sincerely.

"I have baggage that I wouldn't wish on my worse enemy, just think about that.

"I can help you carry that baggage."

"I guess its a good thing you came by. You can meet Christian. We're having an Advenger's marathon tonight. Stay for dinner." His eyes bugged out as I led him into the family room.

"Are you sure?"

I nodded, smiling at his nervousness.


I thought I had scared her off permanently. Renee was just like that cold glass of water after a good run on a hot day. Just refreshing. I have had my fair share of women and I swore that I thought them to all be the same until now.

Until Renee.

Unapologetically black, direct to the point of being rude, and beautiful. She was it for me.

Renee didn't care to know me or how much money I was worth, she still didn't know who I was, not really. I frowned, how could I get her to be mine? 

Not as an conquest, of course. She wouldn't be another notch in my belt. I can't believe I'm thinking this but I wanted her in my life, permanently if that was possible. I could only hope our terrible beginning didn't ruin my plans for us.

No other woman besides my sister had ever stood up to me, never-mind that she'd kicked my ass and put me in my place. She broke my wrist and kneed me in my balls, but I deserved it. I was fucking crazy for even standing here thinking this but I wanted her and I wasn't going anywhere.

I glanced down at everything she had left in the basket and picked up the xbox 1 to get it as well. Christian would have a great Christmas.

On me.

I called my sister, Kaylen.

"What brother?" She answered, already on guard. "It's been months since we last talked."

"I know and I'm sorry. I need you to do some research for me."

"Why would I do that?"

"I met someone. Her name is Renee. It's serious."

"Wow. I've never heard you say that before..."

"I um, I really like her."

"I just have to know who she is now! Oh how the mighty has fallen." Kaylen mocked.

"You have no idea... Just call me back when your finished. I have to go see my woman." I hung up before she responded.

Then I decided to hand deliver everything I had bought for Renee and Christian. I hoped they had a great Christmas.


Meeting Christian was everything I had expected and more. We had hit it off quite well for the first meeting. I was happy because I now knew how misleading stereotypes were.
The Advengers marathon was... Interesting. Watching how excited the movies made Renee and Christian was very amusing.

Later Christian and I played video games while Renee made dinner. Then we all played monopoly and scramble after dinner. Christian fell asleep at the table and I picked him up while Renee escorted me to his room.

I was new to this but it was pretty instinctual to tuck him in. I even fist pumped like Christian had taught me and Renee laughed. 


Kayleen had a pretty hard time finding anything on Renee. Like her life had simply just begun at 18 with her baby Christian. Odd... and a surprise to Kayleen because she was very good at getting information. But that was okay. I would know her past sooner or later. I would know all of her. I just had to be patient.

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