The Wedding

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I couldn't believe this day was finally here! Our wedding!

I was so nervous. I mean I was 9 months pregnant getting married!

Lamar and Kayleen thought I was crazy but I wasn't going to marry Lamar without meeting his parents.

Both of them.

Of course they hated each other so I had to meet them both separately over the months after Lamar proposed.

When I mentioned I wanted to meet his Father, Lamar had outright refused which led to our first real fight.

Lamar left our bedroom and slept on the sofa and  the morning when I woke to try to reason with him some more, he was gone.

I was afraid I'd pushed him too far... I didn't know the story between his mom and father but when I'd called Kayleen hysterical she told me everything.

** Story Time**

Lamar's father was black. His name was Brandon. His mom, Emily, was white. His parents met at a charity ball that Emily was hosting.

They slept together and continued to see each other even when Emily found out Brandon was married.

Emily had fallen in love with Brandon and had thought Brandon felt the same. Over the course of 5 years, Brandon fed her the "leave my wife for you" lies and Emily not only fell for it but she believed it with everything in her heart.

When Brandon found out Emily was pregnant, he asked her to abort Lamar for the sake of "saving" his marriage.

When Emily refused, he ended the affair and left her alone to raise their baby, Lamar, alone. He refused to claim Lamar causing Emily to get disowned from her own family.

For a long time she was shunned and she struggled raising Lamar by herself. Over time, she finally put Brandon's ass on child support. Lamar's racism came from Emily who had started to hate black people because of Brandon.

Once the news came out that Lamar belonged to Brandon, more women had came out to say how they were taken advantage of by him and how he was a womanizing jerk.

Lamar was legimated but Brandon didn't reach out to Lamar until he was 15 years old and only to tell him he had a sister, Kayleen.

Anyway, it all worked out because both of them were here and hopefully they could put their differences aside for Lamar's happiness.

Kayleen came through the door of my hotel room looking disheveled and had the nerve to smile at me the grin on her face. She was obviously getting laid when I hadn't had any for quite a while.

"Kayleen, you are late Missy! I can't get you away from Christopher for 10 minutes!"

"I'm sorry, he wanted a quickie."

"Well it wasn't a quickie if you're 3 hours late." She blushed and started to help me put on my dress.

No altercations were needed this time.

I helped her into her dress only to discover that it wasn't quite fitting well, and if I wasn't mistaken Kayleen had a small but noticable bulge in the front where her belly was.

"Dammit! I knew I was gonna regret those chocolate covered strawberries and that lasagna!"

She obviously didn't notice but I did, Kayleen was pregnant.



"You are pregnant."

She glanced at me and giggled for a moment then burst out in tears.

"Oh my god, am I that fat?!"

Damn she was definitely pregnant.

"No, Kayleen. You are pregnant."

"Nononono! I'm not."

"Let's make a quick run then."

**Pregnancy test run.**


I stood at the alter waiting on Renee to come out for what seemed like forever, but in reality it was about 30 minutes. I knew she was pregnant and needed a lot of time now that she well into her 9th month of pregnancy, but she was 30 minutes late!

She had to have went into labor because I couldn't accept that she had left me after all this time.

"Excuse me, everyone. You all know very well my fiancee is in her 9 month of pregnancy. I'm gonna send Chris to check on her to see if everything's okay." Chris nodded at me before leaving to check on the girls.

5 minutes later he came back with a sad look on his face. "She's gone. Kayleen and Renee are both gone."

Just as he said that the wedding music started.

"Oh shit, false alarm." Chris said.

We all immediately ran back into our positions. Christian walked out quickly to Chris and gave him a pregnancy test. He gave a manly shout of joy, showing it off before Kayleen came out shyly. He picked her up and carried her up the aisle while everybody cheered for them.

Then I saw her.

She was breathtaking. She seemed to be holding onto her Father for dear life but she was here.

And she was going to be mine, forever.

The fear I had felt at the thought she that Renee had left me was replaced by joy. She looked even more beautiful with her pregnancy now than ever.

Her face was glowing with happiness and there were tears in her eyes. She took one step, another, then her eyes got impossibly wide.

I swear I stopped breathing.

She lifted her dress up to show the water gushing down her legs and a small puddle of water at her feet.

Renee's water had just broke.

She gasped, glancing up to meet my gaze then started to laugh uncontrollably. She walked the rest of the way to me, waving the concern from everyone else away. "It just tickles." She explained.

Then she looked at the pastor and gestured for him to get on with it.

"Our baby will be born a Maxwell." She stated to everyone who stood with panicked looks on their faces.

Her father had already dialed the ambulance and looked sheepishly around when she explained she wasn't having our baby there.

We all looked at her crazy.

We said our vows and we kissed as husband and wife as everybody cheered around us. Kayleen and Christopher was kissing too.

We took our sweet time as she explained the same thing to the ambulance people who were in disbelief. She wrote a check before they could protest and they were on there way.

"Hey I know what I'm doing." She said to us all.

15 hours later

"I don't know what I'm doing!" She screamed as she squated on the toliet for the 20th time. I was scared for all our lives because Renee was in pain and I couldn't help.

We had the pool warmed for her waterbirth but she refused to get in there until she felt the baby move down some more.

Suddenly she gasped, jumping up and putting her hands in a hold as if she was gonna catch the baby. I ran to her and she smiled at me. "She's almost here." Then she pushed the baby out and we both caught our baby.

It was a girl!

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