Bonnie and Clyde

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"We can end this." Lamar growled. For some reason seeing him like this, this dark side of him, made me want him more. He wasn't afraid to show me. He didn't try to hide it. Nothing like Cane my mind whispered to me, I felt my body responding to his tone. Vengeance was so sexy on him. He painted my mind red with it, seduced my soul with it.

"Cane will be the first. Your mother and her husband can follow... Would you like that?"

In answer I pulled his face down to meet mine, pouring my answer in the kiss. He pulled me closer to him taking possession of my soul as well as sealing the deal. We broke apart. Heavily breathing, his eyes were searing through me and I knew he knew I had loved every bit of it.

"My mother should be first.It's time she met Renee."

** So in the story both Lamar and Renee have issues. While Lamar's issues are very transparent, you have to really read and catch the little signs that Renee gives about her issues. Can't anyone guess what issues Renee may have?

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