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When I made it home I knew I was too late. Fuck! I fucked up! Christian was crying talking to the police and when he saw he he ran to me. It made my heart swell with love and sadness.

How could he want me when I failed his mother?

I noticed him trying to tug me down to his level and when I complied he looked me into my eyes.

"First, Cane was here when we arrived. I had no idea but mom knew and she was really calm about it so she was expecting something like this to happen. You guys kept this from me and I want to know who the hell he is and why he took my mom. Second, she told me to run and hide in the car to record them when they came out and I got the tag on the car."

I stared at him, pride feeling me as he told ne this. Renee had done a damn good job raising Christian and I was proud of her as well.

He showed me the video of Cane forcing Renee into the parking lot. Renee was crying glancing around wildly and Cane backhanded her so hard she fell to her knees. He then put her in handcuffs and forced her into the backseat of a white lexus. She made eye contact with the camera and mouthed something to Christian. After we rewatched the video with the police. We released it into their custody then when they allowed me to keep Christian after having proof he lived with me I took him home. I explained the truth to Christian. I told him everything.

"My mom is strong." He said afterwards.

"I know, very strong. Don't worry we're gonna get her back."

"I'm not worried. She promised she was coming back. She never breaks her promises. She's gonna kick his ass and come home."

I highfived him. "Damn Skippy."

I was about to call Christopher but to my surprise he was calling me.

I was expecting to hear Christopher's voice but instead I heard crashing in the background.

"What the hell is going on over there?!"

"Lamar! We were getting ready for bed when he heard a car pull up. We saw men pulling an old bloodied up man out the car and leading him here. They called some man we think was Cane and told him they we're here and they are expectimg him to come. We didn't realize they had Renee's father until we saw him resisting and yelling for Maria-"

Two gunshots abruptly cut her off and I began panicking."Kayleen?!"
"I'm okay." She replied before she yelled "Baby you okay?" I heard her sigh in relief then she said, "Christopher handled it. We have Renee's dad safe and sound."

"Cane has Renee."

"Oh my God, Chris?! Cane has Renee!"

Suddenly Christopher was on the phone. "Christian is safe right?!"

"Yes. He recorded the whole thing and got a pic of the tags on the car. I believe Cane is on his way up there now. He is in a white lexus. Now that Renee's dad is safe I can inform the police-"

"And take that kill away from Renee, no way she deserves to tortore the bastard for what he did to her. You got him kidnapping her so her murder will be justified. Just don't tell the police you suspect where they are going."

"I got it. Are you guys okay?"

"Just peachy."

I heard Kayleen in the background yelling," Baby. Renee's dad wants to know what's going on and how we know her!"

"Gotta go Lamar."

We hung up.

Christopher sure worked fast.😂 That's why they ass wasn't answering their damn phones.😂 They was doing the nasty.😂 Oh my god I was dying. 💀They must've been in the middle of it when those goons showed up. It was 7 o clock. Don't nobody go to bed at no damn 7. Thats what their asses get 😈

_One more chapter left you guys! Any suggestions?

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