Chaper Eight

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"Keep holding on. You're not alone we are always here for you. You just need to stay strong put your faith in Allah and InshaAllah everything will turn out fine." Isabel reassured me just before we broke off from our group hug
"I got yogurts?"
"Maria you're the only one in this room who loved to eat abnormal amounts of yogurt like an addictive drug." Hanaan reminded her

"That's why I brought it so I don't have to share much. Don't worry Azi I got you something as well. Your favorite sour patches. And a lot of it."

"No you didn't! thank you thank you." I told her in excitement

"You guys I can't stay for long my dad is waiting in the car. My mom cooked you your favorite food" Hanaan said handing me a close lid bowl I opened it it was Tahu bacem one of my favorite dishes Hanaan's mom makes its tofu that sits in hour in a concoction of sugar, coconut milk, and about a dozen other spices. I nodded understanding why she couldn't stay long Hanaan's parents are very traditional in the sense that they don't really like her staying the night in a house were a Non-Muharram male lives and Isabel's little brother lives here.
"Where is Andy?" I asked just as Hanaan left
"Azi you are lucky he isn't here you know he hates being called that." Maria commented laughing
"So true, he always complains about that."
"Well Adrian is a long name and he never calls me by my name so it's all fair game."
"Good point."

"Let's play a prank on him when he comes home."
"Bad Idea Isa, you remember the last time we did that. he got us like ten folds. I had to cut my hair really sort because of that. I am not in"

"Me either Andy doesn't really play fair when it comes to this stuff he goes a bit overboard." I agreed

"You guys are chickens." Isabel tried to tempt us I just laughed and stretched myself on the couch

"Where is your mom?" I asked after looking around

"She's  out with my dad."

"Oh well that's nice. so what do we do now. other than stuffing ourselves with food?"

"We could watch some asian shows?" Maria suggested

"No way you know I don't like that. Lets have a doctor who marathon on Netflix. I've been dying for us to finally watch that show together."

"Are you only suggesting that because Muhammad seems to talk about it non stop." Maria teased

"No why would you think that I would scoop that low?"

"Or we could watch lets say that fairytale retell show I think it was called once upon a time or something." trying to divert the conversation from heading there it seems that Maria had this theory that our friend  Muhammad likes Isabel and Isabel likes him as well. so Maria tries to find every possible way she could tease Isabel about it. It usually ends up being a topic thats discussed for hours if someone doesn't stop it and thats usually my job. we ended up watching a Bollywood movie on Netflix which I'm not sure I remember the name before we had to go upstairs to bed because Isabel's mom came home and declared it was bed time because it was a school night.


Maria had said she would drop me off at work after school just after she dropped off some books at the library her brother Adam checked out that would be overdue by the end of today. after waiting in the car for quiet awhile I couldn't take it anymore so I walked inside the library to look for her. wandering around I saw someone similar sitting at a table in the corner. so I approached him and it was Daniel

"Salaam." I said as I approached him

"Wa Alykum Salaam to you is that Ziza?" he asked as he close the bookI think he was reading  he was reading 

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