Chapter Ten

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"Come on guys I need one of you to be my chaperones Maria your obligated because all this is because of you." I complained to both Maria and Isabel
"Are you sentencing me to become the third wheeler? That's cruel. It'll be weird to be having a chaperone especially on your first date." Maria said first
"Didn't know there was something as a halal Date." Isabel inquired
"Well it can't be just the two of us the third will then be shaytan and someone's got to chase him away." Maria answered her
"It doesn't only have to be you. We could invite someone else make it like a group thing both of you can come."
"I can't do it tonight mi abuela is coming in tonight. A few weeks till graduation you know what that means a lot of family coming into town. But seriously if it's a group thing Then that wouldn't be considered a Date." Isabel said
"Maria this is all your fault you have to help me out." I blamed her a bit frustrated
"How is this my fault?"
"I don't know you and your persuasive psychic thing got me into this mess."
"How exactly is this a mess and when you were laughing at all his jokes yesterday and kept looking in his direction when you thought know one else would notice. Made it clear you didn't mind one bit. It's a date woman up girl. Carpe diam Amiga ."

"How exactly am I going to seize the day when I'm walking on thin ice. If your not going to help me I'll ask Hanaan..."
"Muhammad are you wearing a freaking bow tie right now? And suspenders?"Maria called out out of the blue looking ahead of us and there he was wearing suspenders and a bow tie with a red converse
"What bow ties are cool."
"I think it looks cute." Isabel said between her laughs 
"Yea Rab. Seriously man you need serious help and only God can help you. If anyone asks if I don't know you anymore."
"He's in is Whovian moment just let him be." I told her silently laughing. Only Muhammad could pull that look off and not seem like a total dork.
"Hanaan can't do it she's busy babysitting today remember but okay I'll be the sacrificial friend and chaperone you guys."
"Thank you. Thank you I love you Maria."I called out to her as she ran after Muhammad
At lunch I got a call from Daniel it made my heart jump. I shakingly answered the phone
"Assalamu 'Alykum!" I said first sounding like an idiot on too much sugar.
"Wa'alykum Salam to you."
"Hey so I'm not sure exactly how this works your the first guy who's actually asked me out I hope it doesn't get weird if I bring a friend along with me as a chaperone or something." I told him getting start to the point.
"That's exactly what I was calling you about." He chuckled through the phone " I was about to ask Yahya a friend of mine to come chaperon but though it would be too weird for you to have two guys."
"It would be awkward."
"So your vegan right?"
"Just making sure I got everything right."
"What are you planing."
"Well I guess you'll have to wait and find out."
"Hope you don't surprise me too bad and give me a heart-attack."
"Can't make any promises but anyways see you later."
"You too." I said before I hanged up smiling.
"So did he where exactly is he planing on taking you on your first date." Maria asked coming out of nowhere
"I'm not sure what he's planning."
"Dude there better be good food in the menu if not I'm so making you pay for takeouts."
"I'll so owe you big time."

I got ready with just a simple black skirt I borrowed form Maria and a over sized white blouse and a light grey wrap around hijab. I was ready just before I heard a knock on the Maria's door. Lucky the only person home was Adam and he was in his room playing a game or something. Because if any of her older siblings or parents were home she would get in trouble. Her brothers have no chill when it comes to other guys. They don't even like Muhammad at least that's only Seth and Talha they scare the shit out of me. Zubair has always been more comfortable to talk to. He's more chill sadly he was stuck in the hospital since the day before yesterday because of his condition. anyways as I opened the door I was for the first time staring at Daniel's beautifully sapphire blue eyes they literally struck me almost making me lose my balance.
"Oh my god you guys are matching." Maria said out loud breaking the trace I seemed to have been stuck in. I noticed he was wearing a white half opened dress shirt with a white wife beater under that sculptured his front figure very well. With a black Demi jeans. With a grey hat
"Sorry so are you guys really to go."
"Yes we are lets move it chica." Maria answered first heading out to the driver and car waiting up front
"So I hope neither of don't get sea sick."
"I don't know I've never been out to sea and I'm not sure of Maria at the moment."
We drove for a while a talked about random things Maria had on her head phones the whole ride which didn't seem to bother Daniel much he made me laugh and be myself around him which was nice. But the ride came to an end at a deck full of boats.
" holy shit your taking us on a yacht!" Maria finally exclaimed with surprised
"I hope I'm not over doing it."
"You're officially the best I've always wanted to be on a boat."she squealedI think before she jumped out of the car way before the driver opened it.
"An approval I suppose."
"You crossed one off her bucket list."
"So you don't mind if you will be my assistant in cooking would you."
"I'd love to..."
"So which one is it Prince Charming."
"The One written Clair."
"Who's Clair."
"It's My Mom's name. Don't worry."
"Why would I be worried."
"Well nothing I guess... Just for get it."
"You guys do to what you got to do or say what you got to say my earphones are on and the volume is up max, I  wouldn't hear what the cheesy things you have to say to each other unless you go all weird and start shouting. Then I'm taking my Amiga away from your crazy a** self before you go all psycho on us. By the way chico your so making my meal as well. are we clear?" Maria said to him all of a sudden as we got in. The driver was right behind us Daniel had told me he was driving the yacht around for us. Since he couldn't do it himself
"Alright alright. I got you loud and clear."before we went to a table place full of food and put on aprons. I think he looked adorable with an apron on
"Can I take a picture of you with that on." I asked sounding like I was giggling. Which was weird because I never giggle, I think.
"Sure as long as we take it together and your in the photo with me." he answered giving me a smile I couldn't say 'no' to. I took out my phone and took a really awkward selfie with him. He turned out to be a surprisingly good instructor in cooking even though me made a mess he made me laugh and smile a lot till my cheeks hurt. After the food was cooked Maria come back took her plate and sat back at her place watching the landscape as me end Daniel sat at the table

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