Chapter Sixteen

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I couldn't sleep all night, I was literally tossing and turning thinking of what other reasons Leonardo might have the same last name as my mom and have the same symbol engraved in her locket engraved in his ring. The more I tried to come up with other possibilities the ridiculous I sounded. He was related to my mom. He might possibly be the first relative of my mom I've come across knowingly. Frustrated I got out of my Futon, reached for my phone that was plugged in and slowly crept outside closing the door behind me. I called Maria, not really sure if she was asleep or not. Lucky for me she picked up after the a few rings.
"Azi! You do realize it's 4:00 am in a summer morning. So why in the world would you call me at this time?"
"Cut it chica me and you both know you're awake at this time your binging on some Asian show that hasn't ended yet."
"Ooh Amiga you're trying to go all Latina on me now I see." She teased
"Maria I'm in a serious dilemma now."
"What up girl I'm all ears."
"Well I accepted Daniel's proposal..."
"What?! What!? Wait up! Rewind! DANIEL MORTON JUST PROPOSED TO YOU?!?!?!!" She practically screamed though the phone that I had to move the phone away from my ear.
"Maria focus!" I whisper yelled at her trying to get her back to the topic at hand.
"How the eff am I? mi Amiga is going to be the new Mrs. Morton!"
"Let's set that aside I think I met someone related to my mom. My real mom."
"Yeah I know and he's the fiancé of Daniel's cousin."
"Shit... How do you know he's related to you mom?" She asked so I told her about the locket I found while going though Baba's journals and bout them having the same surname.
"Shit that is messed up." Maria finally commented at the end.
"Yeah so what am I supposed to do now?"
"Prove it. All of this is all assumption until you prove it."
"How am I supposed to prove it."
"Chica have a forensic compare your DNA with his too see if you guys could be biologically related. If your worried about obtaining his DNA I got you covered tell Daniel your hosting a picnic party for your close friends and tell him to invite his cousin and her fiancé and I'll obtain it easy as A.B.C. You just got to text an invite to everyone Today and say it's this afternoon."
"That's crazy!"
"It has to be doe. It can not be held Azi and you know it."
"But it's illegal!"
"Let it be. Who would know of our plan except the two of us and the forensic girl and I'll make sure she keeps quite."
"Is it the same girl who has a thing for Seth?"
"That is so freaking manipulating."
"So? If she wants my brother she's got to get on my good side or things wouldn't be pretty."
"Your evil."
"I know I am that's why you love me." She chuckled before we said our goodbyes
You know what's weird that I meet Maria through Adrian. She never been the social type of person the only person she ever handed out with when I met her was Adrian and Hanaan. I had first thought that she was a very shy person. I was so wrong, once I got to know her well, she turned out to be very crazy out going in a good kinda way Hanaan was kinda like her balancer you could say. One thing I know about Maria though she might be absurdly weird she's a true friend you could always count on to have your back. Smiling I went back home to sleep for a couple of hours before my shift started.
I was working at the diner when Leonardo came in. He first looked around as though he was looking for someone but when his eyes landed on me he smiled and waved, before sitting on an empty booth. A bit baffled I waved back and placed the orders of a couple there before going over to him and taking his orders since he was sitting on my side of the diner.
"So what can I get you today Mr. Vivian?" I asked
"Anything delicious you'd recommended?"
"I hear that the pumpkin pancakes are deliciously to die for." I offered
"Heard? Have you tried it."
"Honestly no. I'm vegan which is why I haven't tried more than half the meals here."
"Vegan? Wow, didn't figure you the kind but then again my brother Emilio doesn't look like the sort either." he chuckled
"You have a brother? How many other siblings do you have?"
"I have three Emilio, Alex  and Angel. You remind me of Angel."
"Remind?" I asked curiously as I sat down on the booth across from him.
"My sister has been missing for over 25 years."
"Oh my God That's horrible."
"I know. You know what's odd I don't usually tell people that."
"How old are you?"
"How old do I look?"
"I'd say mid twenties if you hadn't told me you haven't seen your sister in 25 years. So you have to be at least 29."
"I'm 32."
"Wow you look young."
"Thank you. It's both a blessing an a curse." He joked
"Oh shit I have to take your order before my boss sees me what can I get you."
"I'll have that pumpkin pancake please and a cup of coffee."
"Pumpkin pancakes and a cup of coffee coming right up." I told him before getting back to work he ate and left me a forty dollar tip that was really generous of him and it seriously made my day.
Before my shift was over two women came in and walked straight to were I was standing waiting for a customer to arrive since the Diner was empty during this time of day.
"Are you Aziza."
"Yes ma'am how may I help you."
"I'm Daniel's mom and this is my sister Francine. Yessica's mom." She smiled introducing herself "can we go somewhere private to talk I have something very important to discuss with you."
"Sure, there is a café down the street and My shift will be over in five minutes I'll meet you there once I'm done." As soon as I said that Francine sneered at me with a disapproving look and Daniel's mom looked disappointed.
"Okay dear I'll wait there, but do hurry dear."
"Don't worry I'll be there in a jiffy."
After my shift was over I quickly got out of my work cloths and nervously walked across the street to the café.
They were seated at a table near the back Mrs. Morton smiled at me and gestured me to sat down.
"You're not what expected. When Yessica told me Daniel was engaged." Francine said at first.
"Francine don't rattle the girl she's just teasing you dear but I want to talk to you about something important today."
"Okay ma'am I'm all ears."
"This is not an easy topic to let out so I'll just say it up front before you marry my son I need you to sign this." She said handing me a paper. It was a prenuptial agreement.
"I'll have my lawyer go though it first." I said to her as I carefully folded the paper and put it in my bag. They both seemed surprised by my reply.
"Oh dear I don't think you can afford a lawyer now. This benefits both you and Daniel so sign it if you want to get married to him." Francine tried advising me with what seemed like a forced smile.
"Don't worry about that. I got it covered." I told her with a smile as well. I might have just graduated from high school but I know not to sign having read it or having someone go over it for me.
I didn't like being treated like a freaking gold digger.
"I hope you understand I am not doing this to offend you." Daniel's mom voiced
"Then why?"
"Daniel is very vulnerable now I'm sure you're a wonderful person but I don't know you well enough nor does Daniel considering you two haven't known each other long, and as his mother I have to protect him and my family." she explained sounding very sympathetic.
"I understand. I know how much Daniel means to you, I'm just getting some legal advice from my lawyer on the contents of the prenuptial that all and if I have any question I wouldn't hesitate to ask you. Mrs. Morton it was truly a blessing to be able to meet you." I said to her genuinely. On the other hand I was really grateful I got a text from Maria telling me to get my ass in the parking lot because she was there. "My ride is here but I really look forward to seeing you again. Both of you."
"Thank you dear and I look forward to seeing you again as well." She said as she stood up as with her sister and walked with me to the parking lot. Before we departed she asked for a hug and I awkwardly have her one I was kinda relieved when Maria honked to hurry up. I said my good byes and got in the car.
"Who are those people?" Maria asked right away before I buckled up. Adam Maria's little brother was sitting in the back seat with his head phones one completely zoned out.
"Daniel's mom and Aunt. She met up with me and asked me to sign a prenup."
"Oh no she didn't! Please tell me you didn't sign it."
"I didn't. I was thinking of asking Seth to go over it to see what I'm getting myself into."
"Daniel's family is serious. Are you sure your ready for all the drama that will come with him."
"To be honest with you no I'm not, but I like Daniel and I believe we'll get through all that drama in one piece."
"Awe that's so adorable." Maria gushed "didn't know you were such a Romantic."
"Ugh Maria just drive." I said to her turning on the radio.
Once we got to the park we set up a table with some food Maria brought before Hanaan and her sibling and parents as well as Isabel, Adrian with their parents Joined us first bringing food as well. The congratulated me personally on my Engagement. The next group of people to arrive were Emily came with her older brother Kevin and Jason while Muhammad came with a couple of his siblings Minutes before Leonard, Yessica and Daniel.
"Divide and conquer." Maria whispered to me as soon as Leonardo came up and greeted us.
"Hey Aziza." He greeted me first with a smile before shifting his eyes to Maria who was standing next to me "and who may you be? I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you yet. Leonardo Vivian."
"Maria Asim. So Vivian you say? Is that I common surname."
"Is Asim a common surname." He counter asked with a teasing smile plastered on his face.
"I'm going to get some lemonade ." I said dismissing myself going back to the table. Were Daniel was seated.
"Hey Daniel." I greeted him and sat next to him
"Ziza." He smiled brightly turning towards my direction "I was just wondering where you were."
"I was standing a few paces north with Leonardo and Maria." I told him
"So how was your day today."
"I just got out of work oh an I also met Leonardo early at the diner. He seems like a really nice guy."
"The diner? What was he doing at the dinner? What did you guys talk about."
"He just told me about his family and ordered some pancakes."
"Hey you two." Leonardo greeted us For some reason Daniel's expression turned sullen, his pursed his lips. I noticed the he was tightly holding his walking stick.
"Leo, Jess wants to talks to you her it's about her brother." Daniel informed Leonardo
"Thanks man. Azi I'll see you later." Leo called out before he departed to were Yessica was waiting.
I was just about to question Daniel if we was alight before I got a text from Maria.
Maria: Mission accomplished 😎😎

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