Chapter 41: The End? Part 2

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"GAHH!" Mikey said as he stood up and attacked Leo from the back. He pushed him down as he tied him up with his last kusarigama.

Leo in the other hand was growling and hissing, as April tried to help Mikey push him down.

Donnie then went invisible enrage mode again, as he turned invisible and had blood shot red eyes. His claws grew back, as he attacked Shredder and clawed his face. "Agh!" He screamed as he covered his face.

Splinter looked surprised as he gazed on the attacks Donnie gave to Shredder,

"Donatello, I'll take this from here." Splinter demanded as Donnie stopped attacking and stepped backwards. "Hai Sensei."

Then something grabbed him from his back, it was Raph. Looking at the right, Leo and Karai were grabbing April and Mikey.

Donnie then grabbed Raph, and pulled him. He threw Raph on the floor, and Raph was able to stand up. Raph flew a kick, as Donnie dodged, and grabbed his leg. He gripped it, making a mark of Donnie' claws. Donnie lifted him up, and threw him on the floor. "I'm sorry Raph.." Donnie sadly said.

Mikey then tried to shake Leo of, and spun around like a ballerina. Leo smashed into the wall, as he held his one katana, and started to attack. Mikey then grabbed his katana with his nunchaku, and threw it aside. Leo looked at his right, and Mikey got the upper hand and was able to punch Leo on his plastron.

"Little girl, I don't wanna fight, surrender and he part of our team." Karai requested her, as April snooker her head. "I will never join your team, girly." April said, as she attacked Karai with her Tessen. She was able to put a cut on Karai's arm.

"Ah!" Karai said painfully, as she attacked back with her Katana. April got a cut on her arm. "NOW THIS IS PERSONAL!" April screamed as she kicked Karai down, then kicked her head. She used her psychic power to push her back to the wall and black out.

The only two who were fighting were Splinter and Shredder. Shredder had so much cuts and wounds on him, as Splinter only had bruises. "You can never win Saki!" Splinter said, as he kicked him. He didn't respond.

"Splinter, we're going to find a way to cure the brainwashing!" Donnie said. Splinter nodded, as Donnie pulled Mikey to the lab.


"Donnie.. I'm not supposed to say this, but.. I'm going to be in a coma in a day.. I was only brought back to save you guys." Mikey confessed as Donnie looked shocked.

"You mean, you're not gonna stay awake?" Donnie said nervously.. "Mikey we can't lose you again!" Donnie added, as he tried to wipe his tears away.

"I'm sorry Donnie... But what's important now is to find a cure for this brainwashing." Mikey said as he hurriedly head into the lab.

They found nothing but Baxter working on the brainwashing scheme. "Bzz.. How d-dare th-that turtle fl-flush the b-brainwashing li-liquid in the s-sewers!" Baxter said, as he flies into different places of the lab.

"Stop Baxter!" Donnie screamed, as Baxter looked back. "Oh t-turtle.." Baxter said, as he spit acid on the floor. "Baxter we just need the brainwashing vaccine!" Mikey shouted dodging every shot of acid that Baxter spit our.

"You poured th-the br-brainwashing scheme i-in the sewers, a-and you now come to c-cure it?" Baxter said, as Donnie looked confused for a bit. "You spilled the brainwashing liquid in the sewers?" Donnie asked surprised. "It was an accident!" Mikey excused himself.

Donnie sighed. "Fine." Donnie said, as he jumped and kicked Baxter. He got his claws again, and gripped Baxter to the floor. "Tell me the cure or else I would have to rip your head off!" Donnie demanded as Baxter started to get nervous.

"I-It's over there!" Baxter said as he pointed at the table. "Are you lying?" Donnie asked as he gripped harder. "FINE ITS OVER TH-THERE!" He shouted as he pointed to another table.

"Mikey, hold him down." Donnie requested as Mikey hurriedly ran up to Baxter and pushed him down the floor. "Don't you try to escape!" Donnie said as he rushed to the table and got this jar with blue substance. "How does this work?" He asked Baxter.

"I'm not all-" Baxter got cut by Donnie's hisses. "Make s-someone brainwashed touch it! A-and for th-the sub-substance in the s-sewers, p-pour a b-bit on top of the l-liquid. The or-orange liquid will d-disappear." Baxter exclaimed.

"You better be telling the truth.." Donnie said as he grabbed the jar. "Let's go."


Mikey and Donnie hurriedly ran back to the main room. They heard some silence.

"What's going on?" Mikey asked. "I don't know, but we know that someone is winning, or losing." Donnie replied back as they arrived.

They saw Raph and Karai on the floor unconscious that is, while April is worn out. Splinter was fighting Shredder, and Shredder is beat up badly.

Shredder looked at his right, and saw them.. With the vaccine.

"Why do you have the cure?!" Shredder shouted as he pushed Splinter away and started attacking Mikey. "To stop your madness!" Mikey kicked him back.

"Don't you dare stop us!" Donnie screamed as he turned invisible and clawed Shredder. "Argh!" Shredder said as he pushed Donnie back. He clawed his plastron, making Donnie look visible.

"Mikey, I'll hold him down. Go cure the brainwashing!" Donnie said as he turned invisible and cured his wounds. He then pushed Shredder back and they started fighting.

Mikey rushed to look at April. She had bruises, and some cuts. "April, are you okay?" Mikey asked her, as she put her hand on her head. "I'm okay Mikey.. I'll take care of Splinter. Go save New York City!" April said as she stood up.


Mikey had 1 more day.

HELLO GUYS! I will be making a Q and A book, so please ask questions if you want!


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