Chapter 33. Dissimilar.

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Now this is a quick update. Not a very long chapter, just about the usual I guess. Sorry if last chapter wasn't so good as some as you expected it to be. Even I don't have limitless imagination :P Well, this chapter is dedicated to AR_Ackerman Thank you for your votes and comments :)

Asami's POV.

There was no reason for me to worry, yet this weird feeling in my stomach wouldn't go away. It's been hours, and Madara still wasn't back. It was clear he wasn't in the village, and Keiji and I both decided not to look for him. Where were we supposed to begin anyway? The chance we would encounter him in the forest was really small.

Madara would come back. I wanted to believe that. I didn't want to doubt him.

As it slowly began to get dark outside, I decided to get something to eat. Being too lazy to make something myself, I grabbed some money and left my house.

Worrying about Madara wouldn't do any good. I bet he wouldn't like being worried about either. He'd be fine on his own for the time being. Even Hashirama said he was just walking around for a bit and that he'd be back. It made me wondering what Madara was thinking. Was it just to take a short break from it all, or to think things over?

Finally arriving at the ramen shop, I ordered the usual and sat down on a chair.

And then there was also Hiroaki. Yumi told me today that he was injured. He and a few clansmen went out on a mission and returned with a few wounds. They weren't fatal, but they weren't nothing to worry about as well. First Yumi and now his brother. I hoped he'd get better soon.


Being snapped out of my thoughts, I looked over my shoulder, and saw the owner of the voice. ''Tobirama?'' I asked surprised. ''What are you doing here?''

''Is it alright if I sit here?'' he asked, and when I shook my head, he sat down. ''I'm here for the same reason as you, I think.'' he muttered before he turned to the owner of the shop and ordered his food. ''You're here pretty often, aren't you?'' he commented.

I shrugged. ''I guess so. They just have good food here, and I'm not such a great cook myself.''

Tobirama chuckled. Sometimes I couldn't understand. One day we're only arguing and the other day we get along. It was pretty weird. Tobirama was a nice guy, yet his attitude could be very irking sometimes. He could be so cold and very, now and then even too, frank.

When we both had our bowls placed in front of us, we silently began to eat, neither of us saying anything. I was glad Tobirama was here as well. I didn't mind having dinner alone, but together was always better, no matter who that person was. We may not have a lot in common and we may not agree on much, we still had to see each other a lot in the future, so we could better forget our previous little fights and try to get along.

After all, we both had to go to meetings together and things like that. Even though I didn't need to attend them all, with me being related to Mito, I'd see him a lot. I knew we would have more arguments in the future, and I didn't like the way he thought about Madara, but I'd have to learn to live with that. That was something I lately realized.

Of course, everybody was free to have their own opinions, but I didn't like opinions based in rumors. Tobirama may have known Madara longer than me, and he may know all about him, but it was still like Tobirama didn't quite understand Madara yet. Not that I do. There are still many things about Madara I didn't understand. He was a pretty mysterious guy after all, but I at least tried to understand him.

When the bowl was empty, I paid for the food and got up. ''I see you later sometime, Tobirama.''

He simply nodded and I left. I could still remember the moment I met him. I bumped into him back then. That was pretty embarrassing, but I was rather clumsy when I came here, much more than I was now. I realized I had changed pretty much. The way I acted around people, the way I thought about people, and the way I talked to people. Even though I wasn't exactly immediately loved by everyone when I came here, I was still glad I was here. This was about to be my new hometown after all.


Turning around, I expected Tobirama to stand there, but was shocked to see two red eyes with a black pattern stare into my own. ''M-Madara?'' I stuttered. ''Where were you?!''

His eyes narrowed. ''Iwa. I needed to handle some things there.'' he replied. ''And there's no need for you to raise your voice against me.''

A shiver ran down my spine when he said that. It's been a pretty long time since he said something like that to me. And his voice also sounded so cold. Something happened, but I didn't dare to ask what. ''Sorry.'' I whispered. ''I was just worried. You didn't tell Keiji anything and there was this meeting this morning an-''

''That meeting wasn't so important anyway. They don't really need me there every time.'' Madara interrupted me. ''And I'm gone for one day and you worry about me? That's fatuous.''

His words hurt me. I didn't know what happened but for him to act like this so suddenly. It was like we were back at the beginning. Then he was also so cold toward me. But I didn't want to start all over again, making him warm up to me. ''Why is that fatuous?'' I asked. ''Is it weird to care about another?''

Madara sighed. ''No, I'm just saying that I can fend for myself.''

I clenched my fists. He didn't understand. ''I know.'' I muttered. ''Does Keiji already know you're back?''

''Yes.'' He answered as he began to walk away. ''I send him out to run an errand for me.''

Quickly hurrying after him, I walked by his side. This was weird, and I didn't like it. This was the same Madara as 24 hours ago, but why was he suddenly acting to different?

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