Chapter 1. The Beginning.

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Repost of the first chapter! Vote, comment, support. Thank you all!

Isabella (Izzy) James, everybody! >>>>>

“IZZY! Turn that blasted noise down NOW!” Dad screamed up the stairs. I rolled my eyes. I reached over to the stereo and turned the sound down. I needed to be on my parent’s good side so they would let me stay out later tonight. The first party of the summer, I was soooo not going to have to leave early.

“Thank you!” Dad called.

I stood up and stretched. “Time to go kiss up to the parents,” I said.

Sliding down the banister I landed in the kitchen with my mother giving me a dirty look. Dang it, not how I wanted to start. I scolded myself.

 “Hello Mother, how are you?” I asked hugging her.

“What do you want?” She moaned. Surprise, she was on to me.

“Meagan’s party is tonight, as you know, and I was wondering if you could extend my curfew just for tonight.” I asked sweetly.

“Izzy we talked about this! We don’t want you out that late.”  She said tossing down the spoon she was stirring pancake batter with, I was missing breakfast for dinner. Darn it.

 “Mom, come on! You trust Jace, Dad trusts Jace, and I trust Jace. He’ll get me home safe.” I argued.

 “We’re already letting him bring you home, which I am seriously regretting, don’t push it.” Mom scowled.

"Why would you regret it? Jace is a great guy!" I shouted. I immediately regretted it.

"You Izzy, I'm regretting it because of you. I know Jace is a good guy, I'm afraid you'll pollute his mind." She mumbled. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Alright Mom, whatever you say." I said.

"Ten thirty. Be back by then." She ordered.

“Fine,” I snapped and ran back upstairs.

 I picked up the phone to break the news to my boyfriend that we had to come home early. I was seriously wishing I had my cell phone right about now, but no. I guess since I failed Spanish I did deserve it. At least I would get it back tonight, in case of an 'emergancy.' Man was I good.

“Hello Mrs. Dawson is Jace there?” I asked politely when his mother answered the phone.

 “Jace,” I heard her shout. “That girl is on the phone!”

I rolled my eyes. Three months and she couldn’t remember my name.

 “Hey Iz, so what are our plans tonight?” Jace asked when he picked up the phone. I had told him that our curfew depended on my parent’s cooperation.

 “We have to leave at ten. My mom almost ate me for asking. We’re just lucky my dad isn’t taking us there and back.” I told him.

He laughed. “I’ll see ya soon.”

 I smiled. “See ya soon, love you.”

Jace laughed again. “Love you too, bye.”

I hung up the phone still smiling.

“That guy is an idiot,” Andrew said appearing in the doorway, “of course so were the last four guys you dated. Any guy that goes out with you is an idiot.”

 “Were you listening?” I shouted at him.

He flipped his mass of brown hair. “It’s not my fault you decided to call your lover when I decide to call Brett.” He snickered.

Kidnapped: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now