Chapter 13. You Always Pop My Bubble.

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** I'm kind of on an Izzy and Jace kick tonight. I hope you're liking the chapters! Please vote and comment, it means the world to me! Thanks!

I had a horrible nightmare that I was being suffocated by a black bear. I couldn’t wake up because it was lying on my. I tried to yell for help, but it's fur choked me. I started to try to wiggle away. The black bear moaned my name. A smile crept up on my lips, such a cute little moan. My eyes shot open. Black bears don't moan. And they sure as hell don't moan cutely! The black bear’s fur was all over my face. Reality slowly came back and I realized it was just Izzy’s hair. Her head rose up and down with my chest as I breathed. I looked around the room, trying not to disturb Izzy as she slept on top of me. Jake sat at the old table picking at it. Mark and Mr. Newman were nowhere to be found. I was sort of disappointed Mark couldn't see this. Izzy was mine.

“No,” Izzy mumbled. She rolled off of me and curled in a ball. I sat up, stretching my aching muscles. I yearned for a soft bed. Of course I was sleeping next to Izzy every night... I could live without a bed.

“Mornin’,” Jake said. He still sounded pissed.

“Where is everyone?” I asked. In the daylight the cabin wasn’t as old and creepy as I thought.

“Boss went out to get some supplies; all the old ones are sittin’ at the bottom of the river." Jake hissed with malace. "Mark, well only God knows where he is. If she ain’t up he ain’t interested in stickin’ around. Course I doubt he cares wheter she's awake or asleep as long as he gets-- Sorry.” Jake muttered.

I glared at nothing in particular. I knew he was right about Mark.

“If it helps any, I think this is stupid. Boss went too far, way too far. You know how this all started? We were only going to break into your house. Then it turned into breaking and stealing your sister or you. Then it was kidnapping you or your sister and killing your mother. Then it was killing your mother and sister and taking you. Now it’s kidnapping you and your girlfriend. I don’t know why he doesn’t just let her go. She doesn’t deserve this. Neither do you. It’s all stupid.” Jake ranted.

The door flew open, slamming into the wall. Izzy didn’t even flinch. Whatever dream she was having had a hold on her. Mark came storming through the door. He threw an axe at the ground. It stuck in the floor boards.

“Why do I have to cut the wood? Why can’t we make him do it?” He shouted, pointing at me.

“Yeah Mark; let’s give the kid an axe. That’s real smart.” Jake snapped back.

“He wouldn’t do nutin’! Not if his pretty little girlfriend’s life depended on it.” Mark threw me a wicked glared. I lunged at him. The handcuff bit into my skin and pulled me back. Mark laughed like a hyena.

“No,” Izzy murmured. Mark looked at her. His eyes were dark and hungry. His hands twitched at his sides. I didn't even want to imagine the disgusting things he was thinking about doing to her.

“Don’t even think about it.” I growled at him.

“No, please.” Izzy cried.

“Izzy,” I whispered.

“No, please, stop!” She shrieked. I grabbed her shoulders and shook her lightly.

“Izzy, wake up.” I said.

“No, stop please stop it hurts!” She screamed thrashing against me. I shook her as hard as I could. Her eyes flew open. Giant tears welled up in her eyes and spilled over. She wrapped her arms around me and began to cry. Not even fearless Izzy could go completely undamaged.

Kidnapped: Book 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant