Chapter 9. If Only I Were That Lucky.

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Wednesday went by like frozen syrup. Jace and I were forced to be separated. Jace was tied back up in the room, and I was forced to sit downstairs with twiddle dumb (Jake), twiddle dumber (Derek), and twiddle rapist (Mark, but I bet you knew that.)

“How old are you?” Derek asked me. I glared at him. He wasn't a bad looking guy. In fact, under any other circumstances I'd think he was adorable, but I don't date anyone more than two years older than me.

“Does it matter?” I demanded.

“Yes,” He said. Derek stared at me, there had to be something wrong with him. it was hard to hate him when he was obviously just a pawn for Mark and Mr. Newman. I bet he had some mental issue.

“16,” I sighed, crossing my arms over my chest, trying to deter Mark’s x-ray vision. It didn't work, nothing would keep him from looking at me. It was creepy and scary. I wanted Jace to beat him up again.

He seemed to concentrate hard then looked worried. “Mark, she’s nine years younger than you. That’s not right. I think its illegal too.” He told Mark. I take back anything bad I said about Derek, I know loved this guy.

“Derek, bro, shut up. It doesn’t have to be right. Do you think I care about things being legal? For God sakes we kidnapped them!” Mark shouted. I gasped out loud. Mark and Derek were brothers? That was just wrong! Derek was so sweet and kind and Mark was so... not. How could Mark bring his brother along with this?

Derek seemed really hurt by Mark’s outburst. He pushed away from the table. I rose to follow him. Mark grabbed my hand. His skin literally burned mine. I didn't know how it was possible, but it did.

“Mark, let her go. Let her talk to Derek.” Jake said, bored. Mark released my hand. I followed Derek as he walked down hallway after hallway. He stopped at a window and looked out into the summer day. I would do anything at this moment to feel the sun on my skin, but I felt sorry for him. He was probably only twenty or so and was sucked into this by his brother. He didn’t know better. I made a mental note to tell my dad that he didn't deserve to be punished.

“Are you ok?” I whispered quietly. He shrugged. He reminded me of a little kid.

“Do you want to talk?” I asked. He nodded.

“Ok, what do you want to talk about?” I sat down on the window sill. I rubbed the rope burn on my hands. His eyes followed my fingers as the covered the raw skin.

“I feel bad,” He muttered. He looked down at his feet.

“Why,” I asked. He looked up at me like I was an idiot.

“Because of all this,” He said motioning around the factory. “I don’t want Boss to kill you guys. You didn’t do anything to deserve to die. He can’t kill innocent people.” Derek whispered. I put my hand on his shoulder. I wished the whole world thought like Derek did. I had a feeling that if they did we'd all be much happier.

“It’s ok; Jace and I will be fine. We’ll find a way out of this.” I reassured him.

“Yeah, right. Boss will kill him and let Mark deal with you. I don’t want Mark to hurt you. You’re just a kid, its wrong.” His voice was angry.

“I know, Derek, I know. You could help Jace and I.” I whispered. He looked at me confused.

“How can I help?” He asked.

“You could get us out of here.” My voice fell into an urgent whisper. Why hadn’t I thought of this before? Derek was such a nice person and didn't believe any of this was right, he would definately help us out.

“Tonight you come up to the room and cut us loose. Give us Jace’s car keys and help us get out. Then we’ll get away. We’ll hit you over the head so it looks like we broke out. You won’t get blamed and we’ll get out.” I said.

Derek’s eyes lit up. He was sold.

That night I didn’t sleep. Jace sat across the room, tapping his foot. We waited impatiently for Derek. The seconds passed like hours. Finally we heard Mr. Newman say he was leaving for tonight. Jake and Mark told Derek that they were going to walk around the factory and to watch us. This was our chance. The door opened and Derek shined the flashlight on us. He cut the ropes around our wrists. He gave Jace the car keys. I couldn't believe this was all working so right!

“The car is parked right out front. There’s a piece of pipe sitting by it so Izzy can hit me. Not to hard please.” Derek whispered. I nodded and gave Derek a quick hug. He returned it.

We ran down the stairs quietly. The factory was lit by one small lantern. Weird shadows jumped out at us as we escaped. We followed Derek down paths and hallways until we reached a door. Derek opened it. Jace’s Corvette stood gleaming in the moonlight. I couldn’t believe we were this close!

“Derek,” Mark shouted.

"Damn it," I muttered under my breath. 

Mark came running with Jake from behind us. Derek grabbed our arms to make it look like he was catching us. Jace punched him. Derek fell back, stunned. I felt bad he had to get punched, but it would help his case later with Mr. Newman. Jace and I raced for the car. BANG. Mark shot at us. I shrieked and pulled on the door handle. It didn’t open. This was not the time for the car to be locked.

“Open it, Jace!” I shrieked. Jace fumbled with the keys. “Screw it!” I yelled. I jumped through the shattered window. It didn’t occur to me that I could have just unlocked the car. I guess my mind doesn't work in life or death situations. I unlocked Jace’s door. My legs still hung out the window. Suddenly I was yanked backwards, the broken glass ripping my legs. This definitely wasn't one of my better plans.

Mark pulled me against him and pressed the gun against my head. Jace froze.

“Go!” I shouted. If only one of us could get out, I wanted it to be Jace. I hope Jace would listen to me. I elbowed Mark as hard as I could. The wind rushed from his lungs onto the back of my neck. I shivered. Mark crumpled, with me under him. The car hummed to life beside me. It cut out. Jake and Jace began cursing at each other. This was definitely not one of my good plans.

Mark dug the gun into my stomach. I bent his hand back, trying desperately to get the gun pointed away from  me. BANG. The gun went off. The air became silent. Jake and Jace stopped fighting. Mark stared down at me shocked.

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