Chapter 4. The Cronies Tell All.

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**Not many changes yet...

Derek >>>

“Hey, beautiful.” Someone said, poking me with their foot. “Time to wake up,” I opened my eyes and blinked against the sunlight coming through a window high above us.

“Jace,” I whispered, shaking him.  He eyes fluttered a few times then shot open. They darted to me then to Derek.

“Boss went to get some supplies, we're supposed to feed ya.” Derek said, smiling at me. Jace and I stood up wearily. I wound my fingers through his and we followed Derek downstairs to where Mark and Jake were sitting.

“I got ‘em just like ya told me to Mark.” Derek said proudly. I guessed he must have been the dumbest of the group.

“Good job,” Mark smiled. He nodded toward two bowls of cereal. “You two, eat up.” He ordered us.

Jace and I sat down at the table. I looked at the bowl. The milk smelled sour and I had no idea what the cereal was. I pushed the bowl forward. “No thank you,” I whispered. Jace looked at me warningly. He always said my mouth would get me in big trouble.

Mark’s face flushed red. “Now I went to all the trouble of trackin’ down food in this place and you won’t eat it? Well missy, guess what? The hostages don’t get what they want. Now eat.” He demanded. He shoved the bowl at me again. Chunks of rotten milk tossed around in the bowl.

“No,” I said again. Jace gave me a begging look.

“What did you say?” Mark asked, through gritted teeth. I stood up and leaned across the table.

“I said, ‘no.’” I repeated. I immediately regretted crossing him. He slapped me across the face and shoved me back. I missed the chair and fell on the concrete.

“Izzy,” Jace breathed. He leaned down to pick me up when he heard a gun click.

“Stay there, boy.” Jake demanded. Mark circled the table and stood over me.

“So you don’t like to listen to the rules do ya, girl?” He asked. I kept silent.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet roughly. “Do ya?” He screamed in my face.

“No,” I muttered.

“Then maybe I should teach you,” He hissed. He put his hand low on my back and yanked me forward. He kissed my neck.

“Mark,” Mr. Newman shouted. He appeared out of no where carrying a box. I had never been so happy to see anyone in my life.

“Boss,” Mark said, nervously. He didn’t let go of me.

“What did I tell you when I left?” Mr. Newman barked.

“You told us not to touch the girl,” Mark whispered.

“And what are you doing?” He demanded.

“Touchin’ the girl,” Mark said miserably.

“Let her go,” Mr. Newman sighed.

“But, Boss, she was back talkin’ us!” Mark shouted.

“Let her go,” Mr. Newman said, raising his voice. Mark let his hands slip from my back. I fell down once again and scurried back a few feet.

“Go get the rest of the stuff,” Mr. Newman ordered. He turned to me and glared at me. “And you, Isabella. Don’t back talk them again. Because next time, I might not get here in time,” His words sent shivers down my spine.

“Now, I’m going to go out for a little while. Do you think you can behave for that long?” He asked me. I nodded.

“Good,” Mr. Newman said. He left the room.

“I don’t understand any of this.” I whispered to Jace when I climbed back up onto my chair. He was to busy glaring at Mark to notice I said anything.

“How did they know we’d be on the road?” I asked him. Again he didn't even notice I said anything.

“We didn’t,” Jake smiled.

“Yeah, we were just supposed to go up on the main road and wait for you. Boss told us you had to come by here on your way back from a party. When we saw your car we were supposed to pretend we had a flat. But you guys didn’t come by ten so we just came back. Well then Derek and I went out to get some stuff and when we came back we saw Mark running up to this silver car. So we blocked ya in and here you are.” Derek explained.

“So all of this, wasn’t planned?” Jace questioned, finally done glaring at Mark.

“Well, no. Not that you would be on the road anyway. You are kind of lucky that you did come down the road, though. If ya didn’t we were supposed to go to your house and get ya.” Jake mused. Jace gritted his teeth. I squeezed his hand.

“Boss told us to kill anyone who got in our way,” Jake continued. “So, I guess you’re feeling pretty lucky right about now ain’t ya?”

Jace only stared, hatefully, at the man. I stopped feeling sorry for myself at this moment. I was happy that they had gotten us on the road instead of at Jace’s house. They probably would have killed his mother and sister.

“Jake, Derek, shut up. Why don’t ya just tell them the rest of the plan while you’re at it? Go ahead; tell him ‘em how we’re gonna kill him once we get the money. Go head tell—“ Mark stopped, realizing what he had done. My blood froze in my veins. They were going to kill Jace.

“You can’t!” I shrieked. Before I realized what I was doing, I jumped up and faced Mark.

“You can’t kill him!” I cried. Tears began to form in my eyes.

“Why not, Spitfire, huh? Tell us why we can’t?” Mark teased.

Tears escaped my eyes. Mark’s face softened a little.

“That’s not how it works. You’re supposed to get the money and let us go!” I said, tears pouring down my cheeks.

“Spitfire, that stuff only happens in the movies. In real life no one ever gets returned. Understand?” Mark asked.

“You can’t kill him. Please,” I begged. I couldn’t believe that I was begging for Jace’s life.

“Tell me why I shouldn’t kill him, Spitfire.” Mark now stood in front of me. His eyes glared at me demanding me to answer.

“Because,” I started. I looked over at Jace. I couldn’t imagine my life right now without him. “I love him.” I whispered.

“Well ain’t that adorable? Too bad honey, caused hunky boyfriend ain’t gonna be around for long.” With that Mark ordered Jake and Derek to take us upstairs. Once alone I turned to Jace, who seemed stunned.

“Jace,” I whispered. He held out his arms. I hugged him as hard as I could and began to cry.

“Shhh,” He whispered, petting my hair.

“They can’t kill you, Jace, they can’t!” I cried.

“It’ll be alright,” Jace said.

“How will it be alright? They’re going to kill you, Jace! How can that be alright!” I screamed, hysterically.

Jace didn’t answer, he just held me close.

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