Chapter 11. Far From Over.

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**I wrote most of these really short so I'm trying desperately to make them longer, but it's sometimes complicated to add anything!! So please bear with me and continue your support. :)

I woke up in Jace's arms. His chest rose and fell softly. I smiled, this was the place I was meant to be, the place I felt happiest. Then I remembered what that bastard downstairs did to me last night. I remembered everything, every little detail, every kiss, every touch, every word that cut me like a knife. I furiously wiped tears from my eyes. I would not cry over him. Not today. I wouldn't cry in front of Jace. I would be strong. I didn't want to see that look of helplessness on his face again. I scanned my body, wearily, making sure I didn't wake him up in the process. My upper arms had bruises on them, where he'd gripped my arms. My left leg had a large bruise on my thigh where he'd knelt on it to keep me still. I didn't even want to think about the pain the unmentionable parts of my body were in at the moment. The crescent bite on my collar bone ached with a dull pain. He'd said something about vampires before he'd bitten me and something about my shirt. Whatever his reason I figured I would have to get a rabies shot now. I laughed at my stupid joke. Jace groaned and slowly woke up.

"What?" He asked as his eyes scanned my face. I could imagine what he was seeing. I knew my lip was swollen and cut. Every time I licked it the cut seared with pain. My cheek was tender to the touch and throbbed when I moved it. I could imagine the sickly color of purple it had changed to.

"Nothing," I smiled, sending a lightening streak of hot pain through my cheek. Jace sighed in relief. I knew he was happy that I was functioning again. He tried to bring us into a sitting position, but I held him down.

"No," I pouted.

"Why not?" He asked confused.

"If we're going to die tomorrow I want to spend my last day in your arms." I whispered. The other reason was because the bruises on my rib cage hurt to badly when I moved. 

Jace raised his eyebrow as he gave me one of his sexy crooked smiles.

 "Not like that," I scolded, smiling a little.

Jace rolled his eyes and placed his hand over mine, interlacing our fingers, where it rested on his chest. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach, the way they always did when Jace touched me, but it was also accompanied by a voice telling me to be careful. I ignored it. 

"You know that necklace you gave me? The really expensive one? I lost it." I told him.

Jace looked confused. "What are you talking about?"

"Last month on our anniversary you gave me a necklace. I told you I didn't wear it all the time because I was afraid I would ruin it. I lied. I actually lost it." I repeated.

Jace started to laugh. "I told you it was expensive. I actually bought it for ten bucks at Ross's."

I joined in his laughter. "You know how I told you I was sick when we went to the movies and thats why I wouldn't kiss you? I lied. I was just scared to screw up." I said, blushing.

He started to laugh harder. "You were scared? I was scared to death that I would kiss you and you would leave!"

"You know how when we got in that fight I told you I made out with Trenton? I just said that to make you angry. That hickey was just a burn from my straightener." I blushed as he choked on his laughs.

"My car isn't mine." He told me.

"What?" I asked.

"It's my dad's. I don't have a car. He says I don't deserve one. The Corvette is his. I just told you that to impress you." Jace whispered.

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