Chapter 20. Our Last Goodbye.

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**Last chapter :) I hope you guys enjoyed the reposts and plan to stick around for book 2 reposts. I'm basically rewriting book 2. So you'll definitely want to read it. Vote and comment please!

Death wraps its cold dead fingers around you in a suffocating grip. You don’t think what people say you think of, you don’t have time. You’re heart slows down beating one final time. You fall, if you were standing, to the ground. The world spins around you and then disappears. You hear voices, if you’re around people, calling your name and crying. That’s what it feels like to die.

Not that I would know. I’ve never died, or even been close.

The pain I waited for didn’t come. I heard a soft thud behind me, Mr. Newman hitting the ground. I heard my name being called. I turned to the head of the bridge. A row of FBI agents stood, guns drawn. One rushed forward and caught me as I fell to the ground. He smiled at me.

“It’s ok, Isabella, it’s all over.” He whispered. I wanted to cry, but I just smiled at him. His words lifted all my worries off my shoulders. I looked to Jace. A group of officers were surrounding him, helping him up and looking at his wound.

“Just a flesh wound,” I heard one tell him. I sighed.

“Are you alright? Can you stand?” The agent holding me asked. I shook my head. He nodded and leaned me back against the concrete railing of the bridge.

“We’ve got them, we’ll need an ambulance.” He said into a walkie talkie on his shoulder. He hurried back to their cars. The other agents brought Jace over to where I sat. I gripped his hand in my good hand while the agents looked at my shoulder. I rested my head on Jace's shoulder and cried. It was over. It was all over. We were free.

I opened my eyes. I looked around, confused. I was in a white room that smelled like medicine. My nose crinkled. There were tubes running up and down my arms. Why were they there? I tried to move and felt the tug of stitches on my shoulder and the protest of pain.

I looked to my left. My family was sleeping in the small seating area. Wow, my room had a seating area. I’d seen rooms like these; they cost a ton of money. Maybe Mr. Dawson paid for it.

Andrew lay on a cot that they must have wheeled in. I figured I’d wake him up first.

“Andrew,” I whispered. He groaned and turned over. “Andrew,” I whispered again. He didn’t respond. “Andrew, get out of my room.” I ordered. His eyes snapped open.

“Izzy,” He shouted, nearly falling off the bed. He rushed me and wrapped his arms around my neck. He yanked a few tubes and the needles pulled at my skin. I grimaced.

“Ow, Andrew, take it easy!” I laughed, I hugged him back. I tried to squeeze him, but my body was too weak.

My parents were stirring in the corner. My father woke up first. His eyes welled with tears, which he abruptly wiped away. He wrapped me in a soft hug.

“Oh, Izzy, we missed you so much.” His voice was muffled by my hair. My mom came next. She squeezed me carefully. She didn’t say anything, just looked at me. She ran her hands down my cheeks, holding my eyes on hers. She handled me so carefully. Why was she being so careful?

Emma interrupted my thoughts when she wrapped her thin arms around my neck. She sobbed into my pillow. “Oh, Izzy, I was so scared!” She cried. I choked back the sarcastic reply that tingled behind my lips.

“Why do I have all these tubes?” I asked. Every member of my family's face fell into a horribly sad frown. Tears welled in my mother's eyes and Emma choked on a sob. Andrew stared at the ground and I could tell he was trying hard not to cry. My dad cleared his throat and looked at me with a look that made me think I had cancer.

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