Chapter 10. When Will This End?

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**The chapter I plan on changing the most... I'm writing this before hand so I hope I do! I hope you despise Mark as much as humanly possible after this!

I waited for Mark to collapse on me, dead, but he didn’t. The blood froze in my veins as another body fell beside us. I looked down at the gun we both held. It was pointed toward the factory door. My finger was laced around the trigger, Mark's hand gripping the barrel. I looked beside me. Derek lay in a pool of blood. I had shot Derek. Not Mark, me. It was all my fault.

“Derek!” Mark shouted. He jumped off me, sucessfully punching all the air from my lungs. He knelt down next to his brother. Derek’s shirt was covered in ever spreading blood. Mark tore the shirt open. The bullet hole was right through Derek’s heart. I was surised he was still alive.

“Mark,” He whispered. The life was draining out of him quickly. I crawled over next to him. I felt so horrible. It was all wrong. This couldn't be happening. It wasn't fair. He'd done nothing wrong and now he was dying. It wasn't fair!

“Derek, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to I didn’t know I’m sorry!” I started to cry. Derek smiled up at me.

“It’s ok, Izzy.” He whispered. Mark glared at me with pure hatred. His chest rose and fell violently. He looked rabid.

Derek closed his eyes and slowly stopped breathing. I had killed him. I had killed our only chance of getting out of here. Mark dropped Derek’s head onto the ground. He looked at me like the devil himself. If I wasn't frozen with guilt the look would have chilled me to the core.

Jake snapped out of his haze and wrapped Jace’s arms behind him. He put the gun to his head. I let Mark pull me up. He shoved me back into the factory. Jake and Jace followed behind us. I could hear Jace saying something to be but I couldn't understand it.

“Take him upstairs,” Mark ordered.

"No! What are you going to do to her? Let me go!" Jace shouted. Jake wrestled him up the stairs as Jace shouted and tried to escape. My body felt numb. I had killed someone. Derek’s face was burned into my mind. I didn't notice Jace was gone. I didn't notice Jake was gone. I didn’t notice that Mark had shoved me into a dark room. I didn’t know if he was there or if he had left. My body ran with electricity. He was here, somewhere.

I looked around the room trying to find him. I heard the same horrific laugh as last time. Suddenly he was behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me toward him. He began to rock side to side dancing to some imaginary song.

“You killed my brother, Spitfire. He may have been an idiot, but he was my brother. Family is important to me Spitfire. When someone hurts my family,” He paused and put his mouth to my ear. “I hurt them.”

The next thing I knew I was on the ground. My body screamed at me to run, to hide, to scream. I inhaled, ready to scream, when Mark’s hand clamped over my mouth.

You’re screwed. My body told me. I knew it was right. Mark kissed my neck then my collar bone. He ran his hand up the side of my leg. He took off my shirt, his hand still clamped on my mouth. I began to cry, gasping through his hand for air. He only laughed.

“Don’t scream,” He whispered. Like I was going to listen to him? He slowly took his hand off of my mouth.

"I need both hands," He hissed.

I took advantage of his hand behing gone to scream. I screamed and screamed and screamed. He laughed and attacked me like a hungry lion. I didn't stop screaming.

Jace’s POV

I let Jake lead me back into the factory. Izzy didn’t struggle at all. She just walked like she was under some trance. I knew she felt horrible for killing Derek. I wanted to hold her to tell her it wasn’t her fault. It was only an accident.

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