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  • इन्हें समर्पित: SenglErk

"Save the earth. It's the only planet with chocolate." – Unknown

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Fletcher's POV

"Well, Sushi, laws are made to be broken..." Fletcher murmured, seconds after Emily hung up the phone. A breeze picked up in his heart, sending his emotions into a tornado of confusion. Even though she wasn't meant to hear him, since he just wanted to say what'd been bubbling against his lips for weeks, he was disappointed that she hadn't heard his a romantic confession worthy of Romeo and Juliet.

Except for the dying part, of course. Not dying would be nice.

Even with this weight on his heart, Fletcher grinned at what he imagined Emily was doing once she ended the call. Pushing her phone to the side, the familiar rustle of her homework in the background. Fletcher chuckled to himself at the realization that even homework got more romantic action than he did.

He then realised he was gripping the phone so tightly that it threatened to break. Melanie had probably noticed his phone abuse with her spidey senses and was probably on her way to the back room to chew him out for damaging her precious ice cream shaped phone. With this in mind, he dropped the handset as though it had burned him, whistling as he grabbed a duster and brushed away cobwebs.

See? He had totally mastered the art of deception. He was more than worthy of possessing the title of a ninja waiter.

Fletcher flopped onto a cardboard box with a huff, brushing hair off his face as he stared at the phone. Naturally, his mind jumped from panic to Emily, who occupied most of his thoughts. If there was an award for being whipped, Fletcher would win the grand prize. Hopefully, the prize would be an ample supply of ice cream and Emily as a girlfriend.

However, there was a certain danger with the fact that he and Emily had never met. For all Fletcher knew, Emily could be a bald Asian monk who speaks into a voice changing device for fun. Maybe said monk enjoys bantering with Fletcher and learned the lingo of their modern generation for the sake of the façade. Maybe Emily was an alien or a supervillain who enjoyed toying with hearts. The possibilities were endless.

A smirk tugged at his lips as he wondered about how Emily would react if he compared her to a bald Asian monk. His grin grew with the thought, crinkling the corners of his eyes as a laugh burst out of his throat. Although the laughter drained away, a maniacal smile was plastered on his face as Alex walked into the room, who did a double take at the sight.

"Something wrong?" Fletcher asked innocently.

Alex cleared his throat. "Uh, what's up with your face?"

"Nothing, why do you ask?" Fletcher responded with a snicker, though any sign of lunacy had long since vanished.

"You look like you're drunk in love with a certain someone. I'd be stupid to assume that something isn't up," Alex said smoothly.

That was Alex, never missing a beat. He was also the only person in the world who could put up with the headstrong nature of Erin, which was why they were so perfect for each other. Speaking of Erin, she was seated behind the counter with an air of boredom, serving the customers with what Fletcher noticed was the enthusiasm of a brick, and that was him being generous. Bricks were way more interesting than Erin on a work day.

"Alex," Fletcher said with fake sympathy, laying a hand on his shoulder.

Alex fixed Fletcher with a glare and pushed his hand off. "Stop that."

Waffle Cones (#1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें