m e r i n g u e

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"If you are not feeling well, if you have not slept, chocolate will revive you. But you have no chocolate! I think of that again and again! My dear, how will you ever manage?" – Marie de Rabutin-Chantal

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"So, where do you want me to go?"

"You know Henderson Park? That one park that has the colourful spinny thing that makes you dizzy as heck?"

"Um, yeah?"

"Go there. Erin and Alex told me that they wanted to talk to you."

"Oh man, what did I do?"

"Why don't you go and see?"

"I guess it'll only take a few minutes for me to walk there, so I'll go."

"Yay, I've changed you from your couch potato ways!"

"Who're you calling the couch potato? I'm sure you have flab from the tons of ice cream you probably consume on a daily basis."

"What is this flab you speak of?"

"Oh, don't try to cover it up. As much as I love abs, I love a cute tummy too."

"Time to binge more ice cream, then!"

"Can I join you?"

"You have to head to the park first."

"I can't believe you're putting me through all this trouble."

"It's for a good cause!"

"Can you tell me what that cause is?"

"I could, but I won't."

"Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

"No, young Padawan."

"Ugh, I hate you."

"I don't care. Insert smiley face."

"Alright, I'm at the park now. What am I supposed to be–"

"Happy birthday!"

"Woah, what the fuck?"

"Are you surprised?"

"You could say that."

Waffle Cones (#1)Where stories live. Discover now