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"Do you have everything?" My dad asked me as he checked to see if all our luggage was there and ready to get loaded into the car.

"Yes, dad calm down, please." I groaned as he pushed suitcases around to make them all fit into the trunk. He had to rearrange them multiple times before he was able to finally close the trunk.

"We'll be gone for about nine months so we better have everything." He warned.

I sighed as I looked at our small house in London. I'm originally from Denver, Colorado but since my parents broke up, my dad & I moved back to my Dad's hometown which is London. People probably wonder why I live with my dad and not with my mom, well, as simple as that my mom just isn't my mom anymore but that's a chapter that I'm not quite ready to open again.

I love my dad more than anyone else in this world. He works as a specialist in stage equipment which is also the reason why we're going on tour with some band he wouldn't tell me about just yet. He couldn't leave me home though and his boss allowed him to bring me along.

"Get in the car I'll lock the door real quick." He said and I did as I was told. Soon enough we were on our way to the airport.

"Are you excited?" My dad asked me as he pulled into a parking lot close to the entrance.

"I don't know, should I be?" I asked which made him chuckle.

"Alright so there should be someone waiting for us who will take our luggage and then we'll drive to the O2 Arena where the first two shows will be tomorrow and the day after tomorrow then we'll fly to Glasgow." Dad explained right when an older guy approached us and took our luggage.

We both got out of the car to help the man before driving off to the 02 Arena. I still don't know which band we'll tour with but tour life sounds exciting.


"Don't walk around on your own just yet. Don't talk to anyone unless they talk to you. Don't take things which DO NOT belong to you until someone allows you to..." Dad gave me a speech but I zoned out as I took in my surroundings. This arena is huge!

"David! My man there you are!" Someone yelled and my dad grinned.

"Still the same Steven I remember." My dad chuckled as they did some weird handshake.

"So this is your daughter?" Steven asked my dad while he looked over at me as if he just now saw me standing there.

"Yes that's my daughter Lia Riley Johnson." I smiled lightly at the guy who now had a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Well, the boys will start rehearsing right now if you want you can watch them while your father meets the crew." Steven offered and I gratefully told him that I would love to watch them.

He lead me to a security guard, gave me a pat on the back and left with my dad.

"I'm Paul." The man introduced himself.

"Lia." I nodded my head and he gestured me to follow him. He lead me to the middle of the arena.

"Choose a seat and enjoy the show." Paul said making me chuckle.

"Hopefully I will, thanks."

I sat in seat 23, row 12 and watched as five boys entered the stage. Well, they seem familiar...

Haha joke of course I know who they are! ONE DIRECTION!

They didn't see me just yet so I just smiled to myself as I saw them fooling around on stage.

"Okay boys, warm up a little so we can set the volume of your microphones." Some guy demanded and they did as they were told.

I stared at each of the boys until I made eye contact with Harry.


"Who's that?" Harry asked into the microphone so everyone could hear.

"That's David's daughter." Someone said but I didn't see who.

"What's your name, love?" Liam asked which made me almost freak out.

"Lia" I answered and they all smiled at me.

"Well, nice to meet you Lia." Niall said and I just continued smiling from ear to ear.

"Guys, back to work!"

I watched them perform some songs and they were just awesome!

"We're done for today." The same guy said.

"Yas!" Louis yelled, pulled his shirt off and started running around. Weirdo. I love it.

I made myself comfortable on the chairs and stared at the roof which was...so faaaaar away!

"WHERE IS MA FOOD!?" I heard someone with an irish accent,screaming. Wow, Niall got some lungs. Speaking of food, I'm hungry.

I got up and walked backstage where I spotted a table full with food. I'M IN HEAVEN!

I walked towards it and stared at it in awe. Dad told me not to touch anything which wasn't mine but I was just so hungry.


I turned around and saw Niall running towards me. Well, towards the food but hey! A girl can dream.

"Oh hey, Lia right?" Niall noticed me as he shove a piece of pizza in his mouth.

"Yup," I said popping the 'p'.

"So whatcha doing here?" Niall asked me but my eyes were focused on the delicious looking pizza.

"Want some?" He asked and held a piece of pizza in my face. I took it and thanked him. Yea, I can be polite.

"My father is here to do stage equipment things and I'm just coming along, I guess." I told him as he handed me another piece of pizza.

"Will you be here only for today or?"

"Nope, nine month touring with some band." I said as if I didn't cared at all.

"Oh, so some band huh?" He asked playing along.

"Yup, I don't know them at all."

"Aww to bad." he fake frowned and we just looked at each other until we burst out laughing.

"Woah what is going on here?"



On Tour with ONE DIRECTIONWhere stories live. Discover now