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"This rollercoaster is huuuge!" I exclaimed excitedly. I was jumping up and down whilst the boys laughed at me. I knew Harry wasn't so fond of riding a rollercoaster but he said he would come with me.


Harry was holding my hand as we got led to the rollercoaster. We never had to wait to go on a rollercoaster they just let us use a side entrance so we could ride as much as we wanted. "Styles is scared!" Liam laughed as we had to wait a few seconds until the people get out of the rollercoaster so we could get in.

"Am not," Harry pouted and stuck is tongue out at Liam, making me giggle. Four people fit in one row so Liam, Niall & Louis got in the first row whilst Harry & I got in the second. I didn't really think that he was scared but he just didn't really liked them.

Harry held my hand the whole ride and I'm actually sure that he liked riding this rollercoaster. As we got out we went to another one. A not so bad one actually just a few ups and downs.

Two people fit in a row each but before I could sit next to Harry, Niall pulled me into the seat next to him. "Hey! Gimme my girlfriend back!" Harry whined childish as he sighed and sat alone in the row behind us with Louis & Liam behind him.

The screaming of the fans was actually louder then Louis'.


"This dude, literally taped himself to a building with duct tape and cut the freaking rope!"

We were watching some TV show in Germany and we couldn't believe what this man was doing. He was like in Dubai or something and went on a huge building, then he taped himself to the building with duct tape and cut the rope which was holding him to the roof.

He actually survived it!

(A/N that really happened)

"Germans are crazy," Niall said with his mouth hanging open and his eyes wide. "Impressive," Louis added with a nod. "So this show is about two men giving each other dangerous challenges in other countries?" Liam asked to be sure.

"Uhm, yea."

"It's funny to watch actually," Harry grinned as he stared at the TV.

You watch me bleed until I can't breathe
Shaking, falling onto my knees
And now that I'm without your kisses
I'll be needing stitches

I picked my phone up as it was ringing. "Hello?" "It's Paul, we got a few YouTubers asking if two of you each want to be in some videos."

I asked the boys and everyone said yes of course so Paul told us he would send me the schedule as soon as he gets the dates set. "Please let one of them be Cameron Dallas," I prayed, making the boys laugh.

A few minutes later my phone beeped and Paul had already everything set. I was included, too which is really cool actually but I had no idea what I would do. Let's just see what will happen.

I looked over the list and saw Niall, Harry & I had to do a video with Cameron Dallas which I was really excited about. Also Harry & I will be doing a video with Nash & Hayes Grier.


"How well do you know each other?" Nash announced the game we were playing. "Ouh this will be interesting," I smirked at Harry and the camera. "Who wants to read the questions?" Hayes asked Harry & I.

Harry volunteered and asked Nash & Hayes their question. "What's your brothers favorite color?" (Idk so I'll just say random things)

On Tour with ONE DIRECTIONحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن