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"Hello everyone. I'm Lia and this is Jordan we're members of the crew and would like to interview a few fans. Who is up for it?" I asked loudly so everyone could hear.

They all screamed and waved like crazy chickens. I looked at Jordan, he shrugged before we walked towards them. I scanned the crowd and my eyes landed and a boy with a girl who looked like his sister. They were around the age of 14.

"Hello guys, what are your names?" I asked polietly.

"I'm Miles and this is my twin sister Madison." The boys answered with a grin.

"So guys, who's your favorite?" I asked with a playful smirk.

"Niall." Both of them said and I grinned.

"Good choice. He's a really nice guy." I said and both of them smiled.

"You met him?" Madison asked me with big round eyes.

Miles elbowed her and said, "Maddy, she's in the crew remember, of course she met him."

Madison blushed and apologized. I told her it was fine and continued asking questions.

"Here are some keychains and we want you to have fun today, okay?" I said and they both grinned and nodded eagerly as they hugged me. They were so cute.

"What about her?" Jordan asked quietly as he saw a girl standing on her own just waiting for things to happen.

"Hello, I'm Lia. What's your name?" I asked her.

"I'm Taylor." She replied and flashed me a little smile.

"Are you alone here?" I asked curiously.

She nodded her head but she didn't seem bothered at all.

"Who's your favorite?" I asked a few minutes later and she thought a few seconds before she answered, "Liam."

"Why's that?" I asked her since I ran out of questions.

"He's nice, caring and just perfect but the others are awesome too." she grinned and I gave her the keychain before I went to another fan.

"Okay one more until we go back." I said to Jordan who nodded in agreement. I spotted a cute little girl placed on her mom's hip as she sucked on her thumb. I walked to her and she stopped sucking on her thumbs and showed me her toothy grin.

"Hello sweetie, what's your name?" I asked her as her mom just smiled.

"Lia," she answered making me 'aww'.

"You & I have the same name." I gushed and she grinned again.

"How old are you?" I asked and she held up three fingers.

"You're such a cutie." I gushed again. I couldn't stop smiling.

"Who's your favorite Lia?" I asked her and she showed me her tiny hands with the name Harry drawed on her nails.

"Harry is doing an interview right now he isn't in the stadium yet but in the evening you can see him and maybe he'll wave at you." I told her.

"He isn't here?" She asked with tears in her eyes. Oh no, she was about to cry. I can't see kids crying.

"He will come in three hours." I told her as I looked at my phone.

"But I want to see him." She started crying and I apologized to her mom that I made her cry.

"Give me a sec." I said and Jordan already stopped filming after I asked who her favorite was.

I pulled my phone out and called Paul.

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