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We were in a taxi on our way to the arena where One Direction will play today.

Mason was fast asleep as well was Alec. I only slept for like an hour but I couldn't sleep at all after what happened. As we arrived I woke up Alec and he told me he would drive to the hotel to sleep some more. He was exhausted and I heard him crying all night.

"Can you take Mason with you? The headphones for him are in his diaper bag." Alec said half asleep.

"Of course Alec." I said and kissed his head before I got out of the taxi. Before they drove off, I already payed for the whole drive from the airport to the hotel so Alec didn't have to worry about that.

I saw Paul first as I entered the arena.

He was in shock as he saw me but he ran towards me immediately.

"Lia!" He hugged me tightly and I tried as best as I could with a baby carrier in my right hand. I could feel Paul's tears on my neck as he let go.

"Are you okay?" He asked and I just nodded.

"This is baby Mason." Paul said and looked at the infant in the carrier.

"Mason Dylan Handerson." I whispered and strocked the sleeping baby's cheek.

"How long did you sleep? You look very exhausted." Paul commented with a worried expression on his face.

"An hour."

"You need to sleep Lia." Paul stated the obvious but I couldn't.

"I can't, Megan said I need to help Alec with the baby." I said determinded.

"Where is Alec?"

"He drove to the hotel to sleep. He's pretty exhausted and is crying all the time so I understand that he gave Mason to me instead of taking him with him." I explained. Paul agreed and led me backstage.

"Lia's here!" Paul yelled and within minutes everyone was gathered around me even Niall, Harry, Liam & Louis stopped their interview. I handed Mason to Paul and collapsed into Niall's arms. I started crying as well as literally everyone else.

"You didn't sleep, did you?" Niall asked concerned as he sat me down next to him on the couch. I shook my head.

"It was horrible Niall." I whispered sobbing.

"Go to sleep Lia." Niall said as he rubbed my back for comfort.

"No, I can't."

"Why not?" Liam asked confused.

"Because Megan said so." I replied as I took Mason out of his carrier and placed him on my lap.

"I'm sure she wanted you to sleep, Lia." Louis joined the conversation.

"I can't. She said that if Alec wouldn't help with the baby then I should."

The boys all sighed and realized that there was no chance in winning this argument.

I looked down at Mason and a small smile appeared on my face as he was peaceful asleep. He won't have a mommy while he grows up and that breaks my heart. I at least had one for a while but this little innocent baby won't have one.


I looked up to see my Dad running towards me.

"Hey dad." I said slowly.

"Are you okay?" He asked with concern.

"Yea dad, I am." He nodded and kissed my head.

"Mason looks just like his dad." My father said as he caressed Mason's cheek with his pointer finger.

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