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The moment Mason stepped on stage my heart stopped.

I didn't had another choice then to follow him...so I did.

The lights blinded me but I immediately saw Mason running towards the long path of the stage. The boys where at the end just focusing on their singing.

Unfortunately, the song ended and the boys started talking. "What are you saying?" Louis asked some fans as they screamed some inaudible words. Mason was really quick on his feet to be honest, I needed to start working out.

I ran for my life but already saw Niall looking straight at me. "oh my god," was all that left his mouth. The boys stared at him and then all of them slowly turned their heads to where I was running towards Mason.

"holy-" Liam started.

"-shit," Louis ended.

I finally caught Mason and placed him on my hip. This was really embarrassing and uncomfortable for me.

I saw Harry looking at the ground as he just stepped from side to side. "LIA!" Niall yelled and ran the few steps to me before hugging both me and Mason.

"I can't believe you came that fast. I thought like maybe in another week," Niall whispered to me. "I just...I missed you guys."

Next was Louis who hugged me and then Liam.

"Hey Mase wanna show your uncles what you can do even though you've proved enough after running on stage, right?" I asked grinning. I don't know why but the boys want Mason to refer to them as their uncles. I think it's cute.

I set Mason down and he ran to Louis, then Liam, Niall and lastly Harry who still stood farther away from us. I sighed and my phone vibrated several times.

I looked at it and saw messages from Alec and my dad saying 'let's do it now!' & 'we'll play it on the big screen'.

I wasn't prepared! and to be honest this was kind of embarrassing already...why putting a cherry on top?

I sighed, knowing that it was no use and replied a short ok.

"Niall can I have your mic?" I asked and he just nodded and handed it to me.

"Okay everyone, so I didn't wanted to do that sooo...public but it's the right time I guess," I started and only Niall knew what was about to come. Nothing major but you'll see.

"uhm, so basically I was a shitty girlfriend the past months and I wanted to apologize," I said and Harry's head snapped up immediately as I said that. Pictures of us started playing on the big screens and even some embarrassing once.

"I had so much to do with college that I didn't got my priorities straight. My first priority will always be you, Harry."

He looked blankly as he shifted his eyes from the big screen towards me. I hope this will work though.

"So, all I cared about was college but college wasn't the thing that made me happy. You are," I looked him straight in the eyes but I still couldn't see anything in them.

"I dropped out."

I heard gasps not only from the fans but also from Liam & Louis who had no idea at all.

"I love you, Harry and I'm sorry for being such an ass. Please forgive me," I walked towards him and took something out of my back pocket. It was a wrist watch with 'I believe in us' engraved on the backside along with the date we got together and let me tell you it cost a fortune, well for me at least.

"Please," I said again after handing Niall the mic back.

As I stood in front of him and held the watch out for him to take but he didn't do anything. I didn't knew what to say but apparently I didn't have to as familiar lips got placed onto mine.

I was shocked to say the least but I kissed back and I didn't wanted it to end for the next few hours. Of course we couldn't do that though. The cheering was so loud I swear I'll be deaf after that.

We pulled away and I stared into Harry's shining emerald green eyes. "I love you, too," he said with a big smile. I kissed his cheek and handed him the watch.

"You didn't have to," he sighed but let me put it around his wrist anyways. "I wanted to," I replied with a shrug. "check out the backside later," I smiled and he nodded before he pecked my lips once again.

"are you done?" Louis' voice echoed. We all stared at him and even some fans shook their heads at him. "are you serious right now? They have a special moment and you interrupt," Niall rolled his eyes dramatically.

They were teasing.

"Well, I'll see you after that?" Harry asked unsure. "Yes, I'll stay for the rest of the tour and we also need to talk after this or maybe tomorrow," I said and couldn't stop smiling.

Harry nodded and said, "well, there are only a couple of songs left do you mind staying?"

"uhm, sure."

"Alright everyone! This is 'little things'," Liam yelled and we all sat down. Whilst Liam & Louis occupied Mason, Niall played the guitar and Harry & I sat next to each other looking at the crowd of fans.

Harry took my hand in his as he sang.

Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me
but bear this mind it was meant to be
and I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks
and it all makes sense to me

Liam continued as Harry grinned. Throughout the song Harry would occasionally kiss my cheek making the fans in front of us scream. I giggled and they shove their phones closer in our faces.

I took a phone and held it high pinching Harry so he would look. He did and sang into the camera. I probably made that fans life by getting Harry to sing to her camera.

She screamed and almost cried as I handed back her phone. I looked aside and saw Louis & Liam dancing with Mason making me laugh.

I pulled my phone out and stood up to film them but Harry pulled me back. I motioned him to come along and he did whilst singing his lines. I filmed them dancing and posted some videos on snapchat.

I was happier then ever to be around the people I truly love.


"So you know, you didn't had to drop out of college," Harry whispered as we cuddled in his bunk. "I wanted to. Believe me, I'm lazy as fuck," I admitted as we started laughing.

"By the way, I love your hair," Harry grinned childish and started twirling my hair. "Thank you," I giggled and pressed a lingering kiss onto his cheek.

"Now please go to sleep I know you're tired and I am too because of the different time zones."

Harry nodded and pulled me impossibly closer to him, "I love you."

"I love you, too."



That was it.

I know the ending is crappy but seriously it couldn't be a better ending. I didn't wanted a proposal just yet nor did I wanted them to 'accidentally' have a kid so I'm pretty happy with that ending.

Tell me if you liked my story and I'll see you for the epilogue which will follow soon.

Also I'm still not sure what story I should publish first. I have two in mind but I have writers block in the first one and I just started writing the second so be patient more is coming definitely!

Love you!

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