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"Dublin are you ready?!" Niall screamed into his microphone.

A few days passed already since we've been in Glasgow. I had a great time so far and Niall is happy to be in Ireland. Of course I forgave the boys because I couldn't stay mad at them at all.

One of my favorite moments at their concerts is either when they fly over the crowd on the glass platform or when they sing 'little things'. It's incredible to watch.

"Thank you lovely people of Ireland for letting us borrow Niall!" Harry said making Niall laugh, loudly.

I giggled and left to eat something. I didn't eat that much for lunch and it was already 7pm. I shoved a banana in my mouth and munched on it before I stuffed in several grapes after.

I chucked down half of a water bottle and rejoined Alec, Dad, Jack & Peter next to the stage so we could watch the show.

"Every time I see this shirt I think it's the most awesome think ever." Jack suddenly said as he stared at my shirt.

On my shirt were four men who looked like Hulk or something but with Louis', Liam's, Niall's and Harry's face on them. It looked ridicules but pretty awesome if you ask me.

"Why thank you." I giggled and sat next to him and Alec on some boxes that had the purpose of transporting equipment.

They just finished 'more then this' and started singing 'loved you first'.

Pulling on your hand, dancing in the dark
'Cause I was the only one who loved you from the start.
But now when I see you with him it tears my world apart.

Because I've been waiting
All this time to finally say it
But now I see your heart's been taken
And nothing could be worse.
Baby, I loved you first.

Had my chances,
Could have been where he is standing.
That's what hurts the most.
Girl, I came so close
But now you'll never know,
Baby, I loved you first.

Me & Alec sang along as loud as we could as we had our arms swung around each others shoulders. We swayed to the music until Harry's last line.

Baby we love your shirt!

They all sang instead of just Harry. Wrong lyrics guys, wrong lyrics. I looked at them and noticed a picture of me in my awesome shirt, giving Alec who did the pic a toothy smile along with a thumbs up.

All the boys pointed to the screen and I blushed embarrassed.

"Oh god." I muttered as I stared at the screen. My cheeks heated up and my eyes were wide but I covered them with my hands hoping that no one would notice at all but that was impossible.

"I hate you." I muttered to Alec as the picture disappeared from the screen.

"Aww the pleasure is mine." He returned and side hugged me. A few songs later I told the crew that I would go to the tour bus and take a nap.

"Hello Ben." I greeted our driver as he leaned against the tour bus.

"Hello dear, taking a nap?" He asked and I nodded before I disappeared in the tour bus. I barely made it to the bunks but with slow steps I finally did it. I took a random bunk and fell asleep as soon as I closed my eyes.


"Don't wake her up mate." I heard Niall's voice waking me from my slumber. I opened my eyes and saw all four of the boys in front of the bunk, arguing. I got up and hit my head making me groan.

All the boys went quiet and turned around to face me.

"You okay?" Niall asked concerned.

"Yea." I muttered and jumped out of the bunk.

"Are we there yet?" I asked curiously as I took a seat on the couch. The boys sat next to me shacking their heads.

"No, we just drove off." Louis told me. I nodded and leaned my head on Liam's shoulder. "Still tired?" He asked and I nodded, "yea."

I looked at his arm and admired his tattoos. I liked tattoos, not to many but I think they look cool.

"This one looks cool, no one has it like that and when you first got it you were the only one I could remember the name of." I admitted chuckling as I pointed to his four black chevron tattoo on his forearm.

"You do? My mom cried and my dad I think cried as well. Basically everyone was crying as they saw it and even I thought 'what the hell did I do to my arm'." He said making me laugh.

"Well, I like it." I said and he smiled thanking me.

"I like Louis' tattoos as well. The ones on his forearm like the stickman or the tick tack toe game or even the paper plane and the 'oops!'." I said and took Louis arm to trace the lines.

"You don't like mine?" Harry asked faking to be hurt.

"Love them Harry." I said honestly making him grin.

"And you know what?" I asked as they all shook their heads, "what?"

"I want a tattoo too!"

"No way." Liam said immediately.

"No." Louis said at the same time as Harry.

"Never in a million years." Niall added. I huffed and left to take a seat at the table in the front of the bus.

"Ben what do you think of a tattoo?" I asked him.

"I like them but if you think of getting one then good look with your dad." He said with a chuckle.

"Lia!" Niall yelled.

"No!" I yelled back as I took a sip of a water bottle.

"C'mon you know that your dad won't allow it!" Louis yelled and I knew he was right but I didn't want to admit it.

"Leave me alone."

Man was I being overdramatic. I'm on my period so that makes up for it m, right?

"Please Lia!" They begged but I ignored them.

"It's going the hard way then." Louis approached, picked me up and carried me back to the boys.

"You're right." I sighed hitting Liam multiple times.

"Ouch why are you hitting me." He exclaimed as he held my wrists so I wouldn't keep hitting him.

"Because I have to let out my anger on somebody." I said making everyone else chuckle.

I'm getting a tattoo though...


I love most of their tattoos:)

me editing this like 4 years later:
girl whatchu mean most of them?
LOVE EM ALL !!!!!!!!!!
I have one now too actually. It's a small palmtree with a wave on my ankle and literally two weeks later Harry had a palmtree on his arm... 👁👄👁

On Tour with ONE DIRECTIONOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora