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"We have the rest of the day off now what should we do?" Louis asked the minute we arrived back at the hotel.

"Let's go swimming!" Niall said and we all agreed.

"Okay at the hotel pool in 10!" Liam yelled before we all took of running.

Harry & I got to our room and yelled at each other laughing when we would ran into each other. I changed into my bikini and put my hair into a ponytail while Harry wore yellow swimming trunks.

"Do you have your towel?" I asked Harry right as he wanted to exit the hotel room. I was adjusting my hair.

"Oops." Was all he said before he grabbed two white towel.

"I got yours too." He said and opened the door. I walked through it and we made our way to the hotel pool.

"Yo lads!" Harry yelled since the boys were already in the pool.

We were the only ones here.

We put our towels on our loungers and Harry jumped into the water. I got to the edge and felt the temperature of the water by sticking my big toe into the water. Suddenly someone grabbed my ankle and in seconds I was in the actual warm water.

"Asshole." I muttered to Niall as I hit his chest.

His arms sneaked around my waist and he pulled me closer. I was anxious about what would happen next...

"Let's prank the boys." He whispered in my ear with an evil smirk.

"How?" I asked as he let go of me.

"We leave and tell the security guards to turn all the lights off, play scary music and we pretend like nothing's happening."

"Okay." I grinned Niall said that he'll 'use the bathroom' while I splashed around with the boys. Niall came back a few minutes later and suddenly all the lights went off leaving us in the complete darkness.

I seriously got scared.

"Niall!" I called since I didn't saw anything.

"Harry? Liam? Louis?" I yelled as no one responded. The scary music started playing and even though I knew that this was the plan, I was freaking out.

"HELLO!?" I yelled as tears filled my eyes. No one responded as I tried to swim to the edge. I got out and took small steps as I tried to find the door. I tripped over something and landed on the cold, wet floor with a thud.

I groaned and rubbed my head as suddenly someone took my ankle again and pulled me in the water. I took a hold of the person and wrapped my arms and legs around the persons body.

"Woah calm down, love." Harry's husky voice whispered in my ear.

"Turn the lights on mate!" Harry called and within a split second all the lights turned on and and the scary music turned into 'Sorry' by Justin Bieber.

All the boys appeared from the corner of the room and I let go of Harry and got out of the pool. I took the towel, wrapped it around my body and left.

"Lia! Lia we're sorry!" The boys yelled but I ignored them and made my way to my hotel room.

Why would they do this to me?

I really thought we would do this to the boys and stay together though but they left me alone and scared me to death.

When I arrived back at the room I went straight  to the shower to wash of the chlorine.

"Lia! Please we didn't mean to scare you like that." Louis voice echoed through the bathroom.

"We're really sorry Lia." Niall apologized as he knocked at the bathroom door.

Silence treatment seemed fair to me.

I heard a door close and I let out a sigh as I got out of the shower. I dried myself and my hair before I left the bathroom. I shrieked as I saw Harry laying on the bed.

"We're really sorry." He said and got up to come over to me. I ignored him and went to pull out fresh clothes out of my bag. I went back to the bathroom and changed.

"Lia, please talk to me." Harry sighed as he knocked on the bathroom door. I opened the door and went to put on some heels.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked confused.

"A party." I shrugged.

"You're not going." Harry said immediately.

"You can't tell me what to do." I spat at him.

"You will NOT go!" Harry repeated sternly.

"Then I will go to the hotel bar." I said and got out of the room with Hardy following me. He was still in his swimming trunks.

"You can't go in like this." I told him as I pointed to his shorts.

"Please stay here Lia." His voice was soft and gentle. He seemed concerned for whatever reason.

"Fine." I gave in with a sigh. Harry smiled and kissed my cheek before he led me back inside.

"Why did you guys do that?" I asked as I sat on the little couch.

"We didn't knew that you would react like that. We even decided to warn you but we know now that it was wrong of us to scare you like that." Harry explained as he grabbed sweatpants and a white shirt.

"You have to tell me the reason why you react like that though...after I take a shower." Harry said before he disappeared in the bathroom. Should I really tell him about my mom?

I really don't want to talk about her. It's not like it's my fault but I just feel like that I'll get emotional when I tell him.

"Will you tell me now?" Harry asked snapping me out of trance.

"I guess I will but you have to promise that you won't tell anyone. EVER!" He held his hands up saying, "I swear I won't."

"Okay so when I was nine I saw my mom dressing up as a man. She would cut her hair and wear my dads clothes." I took a deep breath and continued.

"She saw me and hit me. She threatened me not to tell dad about her new 'passion' like she called it. I was nine so of course I listened to her. Then when I was fifteen dad would tour with some musicians and I was left alone with her." I paused.

"She hit me several times even though I didn't do anything wrong. Then when I came home from school she was gone for good a week or two but she left a note telling me that she would come back soon. When she came back I was shocked. She transitioned from a women to a man."

Tears filled my eyes immediately.

"She came home with a twenty year old women telling that she was her new lover. I was afraid of her, well him. He started working out which only resulted in me having more pain when he would hit me. When dad finally came home he thought that it was someone who broke into the house so they started fighting until my mom told my dad that it was actually my mom. It was so confusing. Dad immediately filed for divorce and threw her, uhm him out of the house."

I pulled up my shirt and showed Harry a little cut. "She did this." I sighed and I barely noticed that I was crying.

"I was afraid of people touching me but since I met you and the boys I don't feel like that anymore. I feel safe when one of you hugs me or kisses my head or cheek. I love you guys."

"We love you too." Harry smiled and pulled me into his chest.


she needs to chill

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