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"Oh c'mon Harry." I whined as I sat between Harry & Niall in a van on our way to some interviews.

"I don't use emojis." Harry argued with me.

"But you can show your emotions with them that's why they're called emojis!"

"I don't want to." Harry groaned but I wouldn't bug. I don't care if he wants to or not, it's for his own good.

"Niall which one is your favorite emoji?" I asked as I turned to face him.

"The monkey who covers his eyes." He grinned.

"Mine is the smiley who cries while laughing because he so much like me." I said, trying to get Harry interested in them.

"Harry, which emoji do you like?" Niall asked as he showed Harry all the different emojis on his iPhone.

"I like the smirking one." He admitted with a shrug as if he didn't care that much about 'stupid emojis'.

"Ouh, the nerdy one looks cool too or even the one who sticks out its tongue!" Harry exclaimed as he kept scrolling.

"Will you start using emojis now?"

He didn't answered instead I got a message.

Harold 😎:
Fine 🙄😒😌😝🤗😎🤓🤔💩👍🏼👌🏼👐🏼💪🏼💥📱💎🎉❤️

"Finally!" Niall & I exclaimed as we celebrated our important yet small victory, for us at least.

"Let's do prank calls!" I screamed excitedly.

"You can take my phone but block my number." Harry said and I did as told.

"Who first?" I asked, excitedly.

"Ouh let's do some random."

I tipped in a random number that looked close to my own and let it ring.

"Hello?" A girls voice asked, probably confused by an anonymous number calling her.

"Hello my dear." I said in my best British accent. Harry and Niall both scrunched up their noses in disgust by my terrible attempt of a British accent but I waved them off.

"Who's there?" She asked curiously.

"Do you like One Direction?" I asked, smirking.

"Yea why?"

"They will cancel their tour and split up." I told her, adding a fake sob to throw her off even more.

"You're joking. Who are you?" She asked, sounding a little worried yet confused.

"I'm not joking! Niall & Harry got into a massive fight so they split and also because they spend all their money on drugs." I told her with my best sad voice.

"Oh my god." she whispered and I guess she was crying.

I clicked on the FaceTime button and seconds later her face popped up.

"I was kidding!" I yelled and Niall & Harry appeared in the picture.


She was probably screenshoting us right now since she was desperately pressing the buttons on her phone.

"We love you too, bye!" Harry waved as well as Niall & I.

"Bye!" She screamed before we disconnected the call.

"I'm tired." I admitted followed by a yawn.

On Tour with ONE DIRECTIONWhere stories live. Discover now