Alice's vision

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"What is it? What do you see?" Carlisle was asking me in an urgent voice.

I looked over at Edward, who was leaning casually against the wall. "A vampire. She's coming to live in Forks."

"Is she a threat?" Carlisle asked me in the same voice.

"No," I shook my head. "It's just.. it's like the vision I had of that one human girl who just moved here. Bella."

"What do you mean?" Edward asked me sharply.

"You know the future is always changing, this newcomer, she's going to be changing a few things herself. Your future," I told him, and smiled. "She's quite the looker, too. Just wait until you meet her. I think she'll be here soon, tomorrow maybe?"

"I don't think so," Edward said dismissively, and walked out of the room.

I looked up at Carlisle, and I felt Jasper squeeze my shoulder. "I know he thinks Bella is the one, but I don't think she is. Not anymore, and I hate saying that. I just feel like this new vampire is going to be so much better for Edward. I believe she's the one."

"I understand, Alice. I'm sure we'll find out soon enough, though." Carlisle told me, then followed after Edward.

I looked up at Jasper, who looked down at me knowingly. "I like Bella, I really do, but she's going to cause us a lot of heartache. Usually I would say she's worth it, you know I would! But not this time, Jasper."

"I know," he said, and I felt myself calming down. "But that's something Edward has to figure out for himself."

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