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Prom was coming up in a month, and everyone was getting excited. I've been asked to prom by multiple people, I had more admirers than I thought, but I told them all no. I only wanted to go to prom with one person, and he hasn't asked me yet, I don't even know if he's going to.

I knew Bella was going, she told me today during gym. She said she called Jacob and asked if he would go to prom with her, and he said yes! I told Alice, and she immediately called Bella. Since Bella didn't have a dress while she was shopping with Jessica and Angela, Alice offered to go with her sometime soon. Alice asked if I wanted to go, but I told her I haven't been asked by anybody I really wanted to go with, so I doubted I would be going to prom.

"You can go stag," Alice pointed out. "You could dance with anyone you wanted to."

I grimaced at the thought of a line full of boys just wanting to dance with me. "I don't think so."

"You're wanting Edward to ask you, aren't you?" Alice asked me.

"Well, yeah," I admitted.

Rosalie walked in, tossing her hair over her shoulder and laughing at something that Emmett said. "Don't worry. I'm sure he'll ask you."

"I'm not so sure," I told her.

"Does he even know you want to go with him?" Rosalie asked me.

"I've been dropping hints for the past few days," I said.

"He's a smart guy, so I'm sure he's figured out why you've been dropping hints. But Edward likes to do things in his own time, and in his own way." Alice told me.

I stood up and grabbed my car keys. I was more than ready to leave. "Well, he better hurry. I'm not going to wait much longer for him to ask me."

"I think that was her dropping a hint that we should let Edward know that," Rosalie said to Alice with a small smile.

Alice laughed. "We'll tell him."

"You two know me so well," I said and opened the door to leave. "But I better get going." They both called their bye's to my retreating back as I left.

I was sitting on the bleachers during gym, talking to Bella, when Edward came bursting through the door. Everyone that was playing volleyball, or just walking around the gym, stopped and watched as he made his way towards me. Bella's cheeks turned a slight shade of pink, but I watched him with a raised eyebrow.

"You're making quite an entrance there, Edward," I said, noticing he had an arm behind his back.

Edward smiled easily at me. "Audrey, I have watched guy after guy pant after you and ask you to prom, and each one you turned down. Naturally, it's only my turn to try and ask you." He got down on one knee and brought flowers that he was hiding behind his back. "Audrey Cooper, will you go to prom with me?"

"Of course!" I laughed, grabbing the flowers. "How could I say no to such a cheesy prom proposal?"

"I'll talk to you later," he said, trying to sound cool but I could hear the relief in his voice, and he kissed my cheek before leaving the gym.

"Wow," Bella said. "That was so unlike him."

I looked at her. "You don't mind, do you?"

"W- What?" Bella stuttered. "I- No, I don't mind. I'm happy with, Jacob."

"That's good. I'm glad you're happy with him," I told her.

"Yeah," she smiled. "Me, too."

"So I'm taking it that you two are talking again?" I asked her.

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