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Alaska was a beautiful winter wonderland. The Denali covens home was as beautiful as the Cullens, looking almost the same, but somehow having more of a warmth to it. The Denali's were also a beautiful family.

Both Carmen and Eleazar were from Spain with black hair and an olive tint to their complexion. Irina, Tanya, and Katrina (or Kate as she likes to be called) think of themselves as sisters. Their beauty is beyond anything I could describe.

Irina's hair is cut chin-length and an almost silver blond. Tanya has blond hair with a strawberry tint. Kate has long straight blond hair and has the ability to run an electric current across her body that's able to shock others.

Kate looked at me with her golden eyes when Edward told her that I had the power of negation, a small smirk played on her lips.

"I'm sure that would mean nothing to my electric touch," Kate said, her fingers wiggling towards me.

Before she could touch me though, I felt the air go still for a second as I canceled out her powers. Whenever I did that, it always felt like a small woosh of air coming out of me, but the air went still since I canceled out everyone's powers.

The electric buzzing I heard produced from her skin before stopped, and she dropped her hand back down to her side. She looked at me with surprise, but then slowly smiled at me.

"Oh, I bet that really comes in handy. I was just about to knock you on your ass," Kate told me with a laugh.

"It's gotten me out of a few predicaments," I laughed with her, knowing we'd get along like we've been best friends for years. I then relinquished my hold on their powers, my lungs feeling like they were actually filling back up with air.

Tanya looked at Edward and said suddenly, "We were told that you're attracted to a human girl."

"Which I have no idea why when you have Audrey right here," Kate commented.

"Anyway, how's that going?" Tanya finished saying. 

"She doesn't know I'm a vampire, so don't worry," Edward told her. "Other than that, I've been avoiding her."

"I hate that you're a mind reader. Makes everything less fun," Tanya told him, and I laughed.

Irina looked at Edward coldly. "You should have come up here when this first started. You're going to get us all killed."

"If anything gets out of hand, we'll take care of it. Even if that means moving," Carlisle reassured Irina.

"Irina," Tanya said, laying a hand on Irina's shoulder. "We've talked about this. They're family, we're not going to judge them."

Rosalie looped her arm through Irina's. "Come on. I haven't used the hot tub in a while." And she led Irina to the back of their house.

"I assume that Rosalie doesn't like the idea of you with a human either?" Kate guessed, looking at Edward.

"I can't really say we agree with it, either. But we do think of you like family, so we'll stick with you as long as necessary." Tanya told him. "Just know that if the Volturi becomes involved, we won't argue against them."

"I understand," Edward agreed. "I wouldn't ask that any of you go against the Volturi."

"Shall we go inside, Carlisle and Esme? It's been a while for us as well," Eleazar said, motioning for them to come inside.

"We'd be happy to," Carlisle said, and he and Esme followed Carmen and Eleazar inside the house.

Alice took Jasper's hand, and they went towards the back. I heard Alice say, "I would love to take a dip in the hot tub."

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