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Having gym with Bella, I ended up getting to talk to her alone, without having to worry about her talking about Edward since she was not at all athletic. I told the coach that I would run laps with her, which ended up us just walking around the gym a few times before sitting down.

"Why don't you play volleyball?" Bella asked me, there were only a few minutes until school ended.

I laughed. "I can have a bad temper since I'm so competitive, so I never think it's a good idea for me to play sports."

Bella nodded her head as if she understood. "I met an old friend the other day."

"Really? Who?" I asked her.

"Some guy I knew from when I was younger, Jacob Black." She told me nervously.

"Is he cute?" I smiled at her.

Bella blushed. "Well, yeah, I guess."

"You guess?" I laughed harder, which caused her cheeks to redden more.

"He, uh, told me these stories about the Cold Ones." Bella went on to tell me, and my laughing immediately subsided.

"The Cold Ones?" I repeated.

Bella nodded her head, and the bell chose now to ring. We gathered our stuff, and Bella went on with her story. "It was some legend about vampires and werewolves. I can't really remember how the story goes, but that's what I was doing when you found me in Port Angeles. I went to a bookstore and bought a book about the old Quileutes legends."

"You know those are all myths, right?" I said, giving her a sharp look. "Don't believe everything you hear." I have to tell Edward that we're at risk of Bella finding us out, she's getting too curious.

Bella looked at me with wide eyes. "Oh, yeah. I mean, totally. I know they're not true."

"I'm sorry," I smiled at her sheepishly. "I just find urban legends to be ridiculous."

We got to Bella's truck, and she flung her door open. "Well, I better get home. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye Bella," I said, and headed towards my car.

I immediately drove to the Cullens' house. Edward and his family were all inside the living room, chatting happily amongst themselves. I burst through the door and zoomed in on Edward.

"Who the hell is Jacob Black?" I asked him.

They all seemed to stumble over themselves for a second before Carlisle finally answered, "He's Billy Black's son, of the Quileute tribe."

"We made a treaty with them to stay off their land," Edward continued to explain. "Why?"

I clenched and unclenched my jaw. "This Jacob boy has put the idea of vampires into Bella's head. That's what she was doing in that bookstore."

"How do you know?" Edward asked me, not wanting to believe it.

"She just told me after school," I told him.

Everyone looked at each other. They all seemed unsure of how to handle this. Rosalie shot Edward a look, her lip lifted in a sneer. "You better fix this," she spat at him and went upstairs.

"Surely she can't know much," Edward pleaded in a soft voice, talking to Carlisle and Esme.

Esme gave him a pitying look, so did Carlisle. "Let's hope not," Carlisle tried to reassure him.

"She doesn't seem to know, but she's getting ideas put into her head. I'm afraid she's getting curious," I told Edward.

"We'd all be put in danger if she finds out," Alice told Edward softly. 

"We'll have to leave," Jasper finished saying for her.

I looked at Edward. "I would have to leave, too. I wouldn't be any safer than you guys, especially since I made friends with her."

"I'll get everything ready, just in case. Come on, Esme." Carlisle said, taking Esme by the hand and going upstairs. 

"I'll go upstairs and check on Rose," Emmett said, keeping quiet until now. 

"You'd be more than welcome to join our family," Alice told me sweetly.

I smiled at her. "I'm not sure Alice, but thanks. Besides, it's been years since I've been back to Salem, I might go back there. I've been moving around so often, I don't usually stay in one place too long."

Edward stayed quiet while we talked and now spoke up. "I can handle leaving Bella behind, but I don't think I could leave you. If you'd like a companion, I'm here."

"I feel like we're all just being a bit overdramatic, now aren't we? Bella doesn't know, and until she does, we all just need to calm down." I said though I felt touched by what Edward just said.

"Audrey's right, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it." Jasper agreed with me.

I snorted. "I feel like you're only agreeing with me because you can't control my emotions."

"It's amazing just how right you are," Edward laughed. "Are you sure you're not a mind reader?"

"Positive," I smiled at him.

Jasper and Alice smiled at us, and without saying anything, went upstairs. Edward looked at me, shaking his head.

"Those two are something else," he said.

"I think they're perfect for each other," I told him.

Edward didn't say anything, so we stood in silence for a while. Not able to take it any longer, I said, "Well, I just came to tell you guys about Bella, so I should get going."

"You can stay if you'd like," Edward said.

"I need to get home, but you're more than welcome to join me." I offered.

"You drove," Edward said, not a question.

I looked down at my car which was actually still running. "Yes, do you want to ride with me?"

"I don't mind the run," he said.

"Okay," I shrugged a shoulder. "I'll see you at my house."

Not even saying anything, he immediately left, and I ran to my car. I was determined to beat him to my house. As I said, I'm very competitive. 

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