I came to school the next day to see a familiar, but unwelcome face in my first class, and I don't mean Edward. In the very back, close to Edward, was Trevor. Trevor smiled at me, and I noticed he didn't bother to hide his red eyes. I ignored him and sat next to Edward.

"He's been waiting for you," Edward whispered to me.

I looked at Trevor, who looked evenly back at me. I couldn't stare at him long, though. His red eyes reminded me of little pools of blood, and all I could hope was that he wasn't feeding from anywhere around here. Both Edward and I were quiet during class and kept our eyes on the teacher. But I could feel Trevor's eyes on me the whole time.

When the bell rang, I didn't even bother to wait for Edward but went ahead to my government class. Edward would catch up with me there, but I didn't want any chances of Trevor catching up to me. I wanted to rip him apart for coming into my home unwelcome. Though I should have known better because Trevor caught up to me in no time. I keep forgetting that he's not human anymore, but just like me.

"For your safety, I would leave me alone," I told him, my voice sounding colder than ice.

Trevor tsked at me. "I can't do that. I told you I would fight for you, which means I apparently have to come to a human high school. Though, I can't see how you don't just feed from every one of these humans. They all smell so good."

We were in the middle of the schoolyard, so close to building 6, to my next class, to safety. I was so close to getting rid of him for at least an hour, but then he said that and I stopped, turned on my heel, and glared at him.

"Don't you dare touch any of these students, because I swear I will rip you limb from limb, and take you to the Volturi in a sack so I can watch them burn you," I whispered to him fiercely. "Actually, that goes for anyone in Forks, or even close to it. Do you understand?"

"Understood," Trevor said with his hands raised in mock surrender, his eyes were serious, but he had that secret sharing smile playing on his lips. 

"Now surely you don't have the same class as me, so leave," I said, turning back towards my class. "And you may speak as long as you're spoken to, got it? This is your only warning."

"Oh," Trevor laughed, and I paused. "I don't even go here, but I'll see you around."

When I looked back, he was gone, and I was annoyed. I can't believe how stupid these human teachers are to not even notice they had an extra student in their class this morning. 

"I saw you two talking on my way to class, and I couldn't help but overhear," Edward said to me when I sat down next to him in class.

I shook my head. "He's not even enrolled in this school. So we at least don't have to worry about that."

"I told you he was going to come back for you," Edward said.

"Edward! Now isn't the time." I glared at him.

"Everything okay?" Bella asked us, sitting down in front of Edward.

Edward looked at me to explain, and I smiled at Bella. "Nothing. An old friend is in town, and I'm not really sure how to take it. I haven't seen him in a very long time."

"He's not really an old friend," I heard Edward mutter, and I shot him a look. He only shrugged in response.

"That's so weird," Bella said. "Me and Jacob just met this guy yesterday while we were at the beach. His name was Trevor, said he came to Forks to visit an old girlfriend."

"Is that all he said?" I asked her.

"Yeah," Bella shrugged, but then her cheeks started turning pink. "He was really gorgeous, like you two."

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