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I was happy that I drove to school that day because I left after lunch. Though I should have stayed, when I got home, I saw Trevor leaning against my door.

I smirked at him. "I have no idea what you thought would happen by showing up here."

"I wasn't planning anything. I just want to talk," Trevor said, sounding almost sad.

"I don't want to talk to you," I told him. "I thought you were dead, I got over you. I'm happy that you're alive, but that doesn't change anything. We're not getting back together."

Trevor walked towards me, only for me to take a step back. "You can't keep walking away from me, Audrey! I wanted to marry you, I wanted a family with you, I wanted a life with you!"

"A family! Do you hear yourself? Do you see how that was impossible? I'm a vampire! I am unable to have children! I wasn't going to give you the same curse that was given to me! You deserved more!" I yelled at him.

"If I knew what you were, I would have wanted you to change me! I would have wanted what I want now! To spend our lives together!" Trevor yelled back. "You have always been the most beautiful person to me. You became my best friend, and I have found no one like you. I've tried to get over you, for I also thought you were dead. Joseph led me to believe that you were destroyed while he was changing me, that you burned at the stake. I am sorry that I believed him, that I didn't even try to search for you, but he hid me away. Took me to a vampire that was meant to make me better. When Joseph told me you were alive after all this time, I was angry and upset. I was led to believe that it was your idea, that you didn't want anything to do with me anymore, and I wanted to confront you. Then he brought me here, and I found out that you thought I was dead, too. We are meant for each other, Audrey. We always have been. Nothing and no one will change that."

"Everything has changed." I looked at him pityingly. "Maybe at one time, we were meant for each other, but not now. I met someone new, someone I'm happy with, and I don't plan on leaving him for you. I'm sorry."

"I'll change your mind. I'll get you to let me in, eventually," Trevor said, smilingly sadly at me, and he left.

I watched him walk away before going inside. I looked around my house before feeling content that Trevor didn't come inside or disturb anything.

I heard a familiar car pull into my driveway and went outside to meet Alice. "I thought you might be here," she said in greeting.

I smiled at her. "Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

"Aren't you?" She shot back, coming to stand beside me. "But I understand why you left. This thing with Trevor must be stressing you out."

"He was at my house when I got home," I admitted to her.

Alice winced. "How did that go?"

"Not too bad. He thinks we belong together, but I told him I was over him. To which he said he was going to change my mind," I said.

"You think he will?" She asked me.

"I don't think so," I said.

"Edward is worried about you," Alice said. 

I laughed. "He has no reason to. I'm not getting back with Trevor, and once he realizes that, he'll be gone."

"I sure hope so," Edward said from behind us.

"He'll have no reason to stick around," I told him.

"You would think that he already realizes that he has no reason to stick around now, yet he's still here. I'm not sure what would make him leave," Edward said.

"I'll just have to make him." I shrugged. 

Edward turned me to look at him. "Or you might have to kill him."

"He hasn't done anything wrong, Edward. You're just jealous, and you have no reason to be. He knows not to hunt anywhere around here, and he knows what will happen if he does." I told him.

"We can't just go killing him for no reason. You know Carlisle wouldn't be happy with us if that happened," Alice told Edward. 

Edward looked at her for a moment, then slowly nodded his head. "You're right."

"As always," Alice said.

"You can go home now," Edward told her with clear annoyance.

"Fine." Alice glared at him and turned to me with a smile. "I'll see you later, Audrey."

"Actually, Alice, I came up with an idea earlier," I said, smirking at Edward. "Edward has his little hunts with Emmett, so why don't you, Rosalie, and I hunt together?"

"That sounds great! How about tomorrow? I'll ask Rose when I get home," Alice said, and she was off.

Edward looked at me. "Is that how it's going to be?"

"What? You can have your guy nights, but I can't have my girl nights?" I asked him innocently.

"Maybe I wanted to go hunting with you, it could be our own thing," Edward said.

"I can go hunting with you whenever I want to," I told him.

"Then when do you want to?" He asked me.

"Who said I wanted to?" I laughed.

Edward grabbed ahold of my waist and pulled me closer to him. "Well, I want you to," he said huskily.

I giggled. "Is that so?"

"Very much so," he flirted and kissed my forehead. When is he ever going to kiss me?

"I better go," Edward said.

"You always say that," I pouted.

Edward looked at me with a small smile. "I've been neglecting my homework because of you. So yes, I do need to go."

"Because of me? I haven't even done anything," I said.

"All I seem to be able to think about is you, it's very distracting," Edward told me.

"Are you about to ask me if my legs are tired because I've been running through your mind all day?" I asked him with a laugh.

Edward shook his head with a laugh. "I'm not that cheesy."

"Sure you're not," I snorted but led him to the front of my house to his car. "I'll see you later, Edward."

"I'll see you tomorrow," Edward said and drove off.

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