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School went by fast, and I was annoyed because in every class I had with Edward, he was throwing worried glances my way. When I talked to him about it after school he said, "I hate not knowing what you're thinking. It makes me worry."

"Nothing is going to happen," I said with a shake of my head. "I have no idea why you're so worried."

"He was serious when he said you'd regret not getting back with him. I don't know what he was planning, like I already told you, his mind was all over the place. I'm not even sure he knew what he was thinking," Edward said.

"You said he won't hurt me though," I said.

"There are humans here that you care about," Edward pointed out.

"He wouldn't," I said quietly.

Edward looked at me. "He might."

I looked away from him, watching as Bella got inside her truck. Surely Trevor won't hurt the humans that I've come close to. I hope he knows that I would rip him apart if he did anything to hurt anyone I care about.

I looked back at Edward. "Do you think Alice could tell us anything?"

"I have no idea," Edward shrugged his shoulders. "We can go to my house, and ask her."

"Thank you," I said, smiling at him, and got into his car.

"Alice?" I called up the stairs, knowing she left school early. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

A few minutes passed by before she was down the stairs, standing in front of me. She gave me a knowing smile as if she knew what I wanted to talk to her about.

"Yes?" She said.

"I was wondering, have you had a vision of Trevor?" I asked her.

Alice looked at Edward, who was standing right next to me. "I have," Alice said.

"Are you going to tell us about it?" Edward asked her.

"There's not much to tell," Alice admitted, looking back at me. "It's going to happen soon, I can tell you that. I just had a vision of him going after someone, and I could see that he was determined. It happens here or ends here. I'm not quite sure."

"How can you not be sure?" Edward snapped at her.

I touched his arm soothingly. "Edward, don't. It's okay, and at least we know he does have something planned."

"You should be able to tell us more than that," Edward grumbled to Alice.

"I'm sorry," Alice apologized to me, ignoring Edward.

I waved away her apology. "Can you at least tell me when?"

"Sometime in March. I don't know the exact day," Alice told me, and with a smile, she went back upstairs.

"That's soon," I said to Edward. "March will be here in just a few days."

"We can handle him," Edward reassured me.

I rubbed at my jaw. I know we can handle him, I just didn't want to. Yes, I can fight him, but I'm not sure if I could actually kill him. I did have a past with him, and I once loved him. There was a part of me that still loves him, but it was more of an affectionate love. A fondness, you could say. It's not something that will go away, I was with him for quite a while. He was the only person I loved until I met Edward. There's also the fact that I thought Trevor was dead, I never had an inkling to that he could be alive. I trusted Joseph, up until now.

"What are you thinking?" Edward asked me.

"Hmm? Oh, nothing." I said.

Edward groaned. "I really hate that control you have over my powers."

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