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I walked back inside the Denali's house, and I spotted Edward sitting in a chair with his head in his hands. Everyone seemed to be gone, except for Rosalie, which surprised me.

"What's going on here?" Kate asked them.

Edward and Rosalie turned their heads towards us. "I thought you left," Edward said to me.

"I was going to, but I decided to stay." I told him.

"Everyone is out back," Rosalie told me. "But since you're back, I think I'll join them. I was only hoping to talk some sense into Edward."

"I'll go with you," Kate said, following Rosalie outside.

I looked at Edward, my arms crossed over my chest. "Well?"

"I didn't want you to leave, but you left before I could say so. I keep letting you just walk away, and that's if I'm not the one walking away." Edward told me. "I understand that this hurts you."

"I know I'm not the most open person," I admitted.

Edward chuckled. "It's a trait you brought with you from your human past. You're like a closed book, just like Bella is, though she's completely locked, I can't even read her. But I also can't read you, unless you let me. You're both a mystery to me."

"I don't really like being compared to her," I said. "Even if we are the same."

"You're right. I'm sorry," Edward said.

I waved his sorry away. "I just want you to make a decision soon. I can't do this much longer."

"I understand," he said.

"As long as you understand," I told him, and went outside to join the others.

We came back to Forks on Monday night, though the Denali's promised to come visit soon. I was looking forward to their visit, especially since I became so close to Kate.

"You seem awfully happy," Edward said from behind me.

I almost forgot that he followed me home. "I had a good weekend."

"I'm glad to hear that," he said.

"Shouldn't you be getting home?" I asked him.

"And do what?" He laughed.

"I don't know," I laughed with him. "It's not like there's anything to do here, either."

"Well, I really enjoy your company." He admitted softly.

I smiled at him, and noticed that my phone said I had one unheard voicemail. Without saying anything, I pushed the button to listen to it and heard Bella's voice come over the speaker, "Hey Audrey, I noticed you and the Cullen's weren't in class today, so I assumed that you went with them camping. I, uh, heard that they always go camping when it's nice out. I was just wondering if you heard anything from Edward? If so, can you have him call me, or something?" And the messaged ended.

I didn't say anything for a moment. It seems that I was once again suppose to be the messenger. "Well, you heard her. Give her a call."

"I haven't even been talking to her," Edward told me. "I have no idea why she thinks I'm going to call her."

"Maybe something is wrong. Maybe you should just check up on her," I said without looking at him.

Edward lightly touched my shoulder. "I'll go and check on her, but nothing else."

"Don't make promises you can't keep," I told him, my voice like a dagger.

"I would never do that to you," he said, and with that, he was gone. Yet again, I was left feeling that he was on Team Bella.

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