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I walked into my Spanish class, and seen an unusual human. One that reminded me of myself from a long time ago. She's unusually pale for a human with a heart-shaped face, chocolate brown hair, and a wide forehead with a widow's peak. Her brown eyes are wide spaced, but she has a thin nose and good cheekbones with a narrow jaw, and pointed chin. Her lips seem too full for her face, and she's slender. Fragile, is more like it.

Sitting next to her was a girl with voluminous curly, dark brown hair and blue eyes. She was pretty, but there was something about her that didn't make her as eye-catching as who she was sitting next to.

I strode over to the girls, which the blue eyed girl shot daggers at me, and I sat down next to the other one. I gave her a bright smile.

"Hi, my name is Audrey." I introduced myself, more to her than the other one.

She stared at me in awe. "Bella," she mumbled.

"I heard you're new here, too." I said.

"Yeah." She blushed, and nodded her head. I noticed she was trying to hide behind her hair.

"Are you a new member of the Cullen's?" The other girl asked me.

"I'm sorry," I said to her. "I didn't catch your name."

She flipped her hair over her shoulder. "I'm Jessica. But my friends call me, Jess."

I nodded my head. "To answer your question, Jessica, no. I am not a new member of the Cullen's. Why do you ask?"

"Well," she said, looking me over. "You're just so... pretty. They're a very pretty family, in case you haven't noticed."

"I haven't met them all yet," I told her. I could tell that even giving me that pathetic compliment was hard for her, and decided that I didn't like her.

Jessica snorted, then looked at Bella with a small smirk. "Bella here just happens to have a huge crush on one of the Cullen's. Don't you, Bella?"

Bella's face flushed even more, but said nothing. Which only encouraged Jessica to go on. "She's so shy! Which is weird, since a lot of the guys here seem to like her so much." Ah, she's jealous. "But she likes Edward, in case you were wondering."

"I wasn't," I said in a cool voice, and smiled at Bella. "Anyways, I just thought I would introduce myself since you're new, too. I hope we become friends." I winked at her, and turned my attention towards the teacher as she walked in.

I walked into the cafeteria, immediately spotting Edward with four other people sitting with them. Two girls, and two boys.

   The first of the Cullen's that I noticed surprisingly reminded me of a pixie, everything about her was small. Her hair is black, and spiky. And her eyes golden just like the others.

  Next to her was a muscular, but lean boy. His honey blond hair, mine has a more golden hue to it, shined from the light shining through the window.

   Next to him was a girl who looked like she should be walking the runway with her golden hair going down in waves to the middle of her back. Her beauty was something that even I couldn't describe. So I looked at the boy next to her.

   He's muscular, reminding me of a weight lifter, and very big. Think of a mountain, and that would be his size. His dark hair is curly, and his smile showed his dimples.

   I checked them all out while walking to them, even nodding at Bella, who blushed at my acknowledgement. I noticed she didn't seem to show that many emotions, and I wondered what the deal was with her.

   I slid into the seat next to Edward, and the pixie girl immediately smiled at me and introduced herself. "I'm Alice."

   "Audrey," I said, and looked at the others waiting for them to introduce themselves.

   The model's name is Rosalie, the boy with the almost same hair color as me is Jasper, and the mountain is Emmett.

   "So, why are you here?" Edward demanded after they all introduced themselves.

   I cocked my head to the side and said, "I thought you already knew."

   He scowled at me. "Something is keeping me from reading anyone's thoughts right now, you I assume. So perhaps you'd like to share with the rest of the table?"

   "As you can see, we all have the same diet in common. My father is understanding of my new diet, but can't quite relate. He's heard of your family, as well as another in Alaska, and told me where I could find you." I explained to them. "He thought I would be more comfortable with others like me."

   "Do you always do what your dad tells you to?" Emmet asked me with a smirk.

   I chuckled. "Hardly. But I thought it would be nice to meet a family such as yours. Even if this turns out to be a bad decision, I at least know that there are others like me who can live normally."

   "I think it's nice," Alice piped up, her voice reminding me of bells.

   Rosalie rolled her eyes. "Of course you do."

Alice ignored her, and kept smiling at me. "So, where are you from?"

"Salem, Massachusetts. But I've traveled a lot," I told her. "I still go to Salem a lot, to visit my father."

"Your father?" Alice repeated. "He's your not your birth father, is he?"

I laughed. "No, of course not. I never met my birth father, but Joseph turned me, and he's been more of a father than I've ever had."

"You miss him," Edward said suddenly.

"Of course," I said. "Wouldn't you miss the person who practically raised you?"

Edward didn't say anything, he only looked at me for a moment before his eyes roamed over my shoulder. I turned around to see he was staring at Bella.

"Oh, I met her earlier. She's a strange one, isn't she?" I said to Edward.

I heard a snort, and seen it came from Rosalie. I raised my eyebrow questioningly at her, but seen Edward shoot her a look from the corner of my eye that must have kept her quiet. She scowled at him before standing up, Emmet following her, and left.

"I like her," Alice piped up.

"You haven't even met her," Edward said, clearly annoyed. "I don't believe you've ever talked to her."

Alice smiled at me. "I will. He knows that. I just have to wait for the right moment, is all."

I nodded my head in confusion. "Right, we'll, I suppose you know best?"

"She has visions," Edward explained to me quietly.

This is a very gifted family. A boy who can read thoughts, and another who has visions. Whoever changed them really got the pick of the litter.

"I better get to my next class. It was nice meeting you all," I said to Alice and Jasper, nodding at Edward, before walking off to my biology 2 class.

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